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#387 Frames preview bugged

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: External ViewerFlash Viewer
State: closed 

> What steps will reproduce the problem?
Frames preview in FFDec very slow comparing to Sothink dec. Try to open ttp.swf frame 3 in
both programs.
> What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Open frame 3 preview less than a minute or less a second like in Sothink. It loads several
minutes with high CPU usage and then shows almost black screen in preview with mouse
> What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
1.7.2u1. Win7x64SP1.
> Please provide any additional information below. Attach the file you have problem with
if neccessary. If you do not want to publish files YOU CAN CHANGE VISIBILITY TO PRIVATE
Is this ttp.swf public? Can you send it to me?
honfika: it is an adult swf, we already have it, I'll send it to you.
Please try the latest nightly build... i'm sill working on the performacne, but now much
On my machine the loading time of ttp.swf frame 3 was decreased from 105sec to 15sec (with
external flash player, not "Use own Flash Viewer")
Thanks, in my PC now frame 3 also opens about 15 secs but it's (and frame 2 also) still
looks like a black screen. In Sothink SWFdec frame 2 shows main menu and frame 3 prologue
Yes, i havn't modified anything except the speed.
State: upgraded→new
Title: Frames preview bugged/very slow→Frames preview bugged
Title: Frames preview bugged/very slow→Frames preview bugged
Is it better after changes in last versions?
Or is this unrelated?
Yes, I think it's better (opens frames much faster with unchecked "Use own Flash Viewer"
option) and only with ttp.swf frame 3 remained black sceen problem but it's now very
important for me.
frame 3 problem should be fixed in the latest nightly build, preview should be faster,
too. Please try it.
State: new→upgraded
Thanks, now it's OK.
State: upgraded→closed