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#383 Search browser cache is not working for me

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:

Labels: Tools
State: closed 

Subj. I click that button and nothing happens.
It takes some time to load at the first time.
Do you see that button pressed down and freezing?
Do you use Firefox or Chrome?
What operating system do you have?
Do you see exceptions?
I'm also can't get it work on Win7x64&Chrome (latest stable version). Maybe u would write
a small manual how to use it?
megalol: hmm, okay, so please answer my questions in previous post too.
For me does it freeze and nothing else happens.
Should notice something that it's loading I think.
I use Firefox 23.0.1 with Windows 7 32bit
Hmm, maybe I should be more patient because now it works (tested with FF and Chrome) but I
had freezing before.
1.7.2u1 was released.
There was problem when Firefox was not installed on the system (it ended with
NullPointerException causing "nothing happends")
If it freezes, that means it is searching the cache.
You must be patient.
You should better clear your cache before you visit pages you want to get SWFs from.
I will implement some progressbar / "searching..." message later.
Tried 1.7.2u1 - still not working for me =(
Do you see that button pressed down and freezing? - yes, for 3-5 seconds (when I press it
first time only, if I press it again, it un-presses instantly).
Do you use Firefox or Chrome? - I have installed both.
What operating system do you have? - Windows 8 x64
Do you see exceptions? - Nope =\
1) What version of Chrome do you have? What version of Firefox do you have?
Please send me these files (firefox cache index):
If they are too big, try to clear Firefox cache.
3) Please send me these files (chrome cache index):
If they are too big, try to clear Chrome cache.
If you have something private in you cache, better send it via email (or clear you cache
before sending).
Assigned: →

Do not clear your cache and do not send files.
I think I just found a problem and will release new version soon.
State: new→opened
Please try this nightly/beta version:
Yey, works!
okay, I am closing this.
Just a note: version 1.7.2u2 was released with same changes
State: opened→closed