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#367 Search in memory: save selected SWFs in some folder

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Tools
State: closed 

Would be nice to have such feature! And "Select all" button as well.
From #373:
Hi, I liked the new feature you added in the new version 'Search SWF files in Memory'.
I tried many memory dumpers but at some point they failed, where as yours is best, but
sometimes application got freezed while reading the files. Hence I request you to make an
option in memory reading where we can dump all the files to harddisk so it will be easy to
check them.
Thanks Raghu.
State: new→opened
This was implemented in 1.7.2
State: opened→upgraded
Works fine, thanks!
"Select all" button is still missing. Please create new issue for it if you really need