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NEW : We have got a new blog where we post some interesting SWF internals info.

#365 Search in memory: Filter fake SWFs

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Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Tools
State: closed 

Would be nice to have such functionality since many packers use fake SWFs tactics to
prevent original SWF dumpink. Like in the attached SWF (packed with DoSWF).

Filtering fake SWFs was improved. Now only those "files" are shown which has at least one
non zero length tag from the following list:
Define*, DoABCDefineTag, DoABCTag, DoActionTag, DoInitActionTag, ShowFrameTag
Now your file returns "only" 43 results.
Is this enough?
Yep, looks much better now!
Could you write an unpack for doswf so I can unpack the binary symbol then, pack back to
And write back to memory? I don't think that it is a good idea to write to another
process's memory.
If you want to save the swf to your hard drive, then you already can edit the doABC tags.
(AVM2 instuctions)
FFDec already allows you to unpack doSWF - just dump both swfs (with code and library)
from memory. Read more in my blog post: http://blog.codestage.ru/2013/05/06/decrypting-doswf/
I'll close this due to inactivity. Feel free to create a new issue when you find any
State: upgraded→closed