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NEW : We have got a new blog where we post some interesting SWF internals info.

#354 New Translations

Date created:
Type: other
Visibility: Everybody read only
Labels: SpecialTranslation
State: opened 

In this issue I will post new strings to be translated.
Subscribe to this issue if you are translator to be notified about new changes.
State: new→opened
#after version 1.7.0u1:
menu.tools.searchmemory = Search SWFs in memory
+attached file

In ErrorLogFrame:
#after version 1.7.0u1:
clear = Clear
menu.file.reload = Reload
message.confirm.reload = This action cancels all unsaved changes and reloads the SWF file
again.\nDo you want to continue?
dialog.selectcolor.title = Select background color for SWF display
button.selectcolor.hint = Select background color
ColorChooser.okText = OK
ColorChooser.cancelText = Cancel
ColorChooser.resetText = Reset
ColorChooser.previewText = Preview
ColorChooser.swatchesNameText = Swatches
ColorChooser.swatchesRecentText = Recent:
ColorChooser.sampleText=Sample Text Sample Text
#after version 1.7.1:
preview.play = Play
preview.pause = Pause
preview.stop = Stop
message.confirm.removemultiple = Are you sure you want to remove %count% items\n and all
objects which depend on it?
menu.tools.searchcache = Search browsers cache
#after version 1.7.1:
button.save = Save
- attached file

#after version 1.7.2u2
error.trait.exists = Trait with name "%name%" already exists.
button.addtrait = Add trait
button.font.embed = Embed...
button.yes.all = Yes to all
button.no.all = No to all
message.font.add.exists = Character %char% already exists in the font tag.\nDo you want to
replace it?
range.description = %name% (%available% of %total% characters)
dialog.title = Font embedding
label.individual = Individual characters:
type.method = Method
type.getter = Getter
type.setter = Setter
type.const = Const
type.slot = Slot (var)
checkbox.static = Static
dialog.title = New trait
error.name = You must specify trait name
filter.gfx = ScaleForm GFx files (*.gfx)
filter.supported = All supported filetypes (*.swf, *.gfx)
actionscript.pcode = P-code
actionscript.pcodehex = P-code with Hex
actionscript.hex = Hex
work.canceled = Canceled
work.restoringControlFlow = Restoring control flow...
Please check the translation of
deobfuscation.restorecontrolflow = Restore control flow
It is already translated.
work.restoringControlFlow should be simiar.
menu.advancedsettings.advancedsettings = Advanced Settings
menu.recentFiles = Recent files
advancedSettings.restartConfirmation = You must restart the program for some modifications
to take effect. Do you want to restart it now?
#after version 1.7.4
work.restoringControlFlow.complete = Control flow restored
message.confirm.recentFileNotFound = File not found. Do you want to remove it from the
recent file list?
contextmenu.closeSwf = Close SWF
menu.settings.autoRenameIdentifiers = Auto rename identifiers
menu.file.saveasexe = Save as Exe...
filter.exe = Executable files (*.exe)
#after version 1.8.0
font.updateTexts = Update texts
#after version 1.8.0u1
menu.file.close = Close
menu.file.closeAll = Close all
menu.tools.otherTools = Other
menu.tools.otherTools.clearRecentFiles = Clear recent files
fontName.name = Font display name:
fontName.copyright = Font copyright:
button.preview = Preview
button.reset = Reset
errors.info = There are INFORMATIONS in the log. Click to view.
errors.warning = There are WARNINGS in the log. Click to view.
decompilationError = Decompilation error
decompilationError.timeout = Timeout ({0}) was reached
decompilationError.timeout.description = Not decompiled due to timeout
decompilationError.obfuscated = Code may be obfuscated
decompilationError.errorType = Error type
decompilationError.error.description = Not decompiled due to error
#example: 1 hour and 2 minutes
timeFormat.and = and
timeFormat.hour = hour
timeFormat.hours = hours
timeFormat.minute = minute
timeFormat.minutes = minutes
timeFormat.second = second
timeFormat.seconds = seconds
advancedSettings.dialog.title = Advanced Settings
advancedSettings.columns.name = Name
advancedSettings.columns.value = Value
advancedSettings.columns.description = Description
default = default
disassemblingProgress.toString = toString
disassemblingProgress.reading = Reading
disassemblingProgress.deobfuscating = Deobfuscating
decompilation.skipped = Decompilation skipped
decompilation.unsupported = Unsupported by decompiler
decompilerMark = decompiler mark
open.error = Error
open.error.fileNotFound = File not found
open.error.cannotOpen = Cannot open file
column.version = Version
column.fileSize = File Size
column.pid = PID
column.processName = Process Name
fontNotFound = Font with id=%fontId% was not found.
contextmenu.moveTag = Move tag to
filter.swc = SWC component files (*.swc)
filter.zip = ZIP compressed files (*.zip)
filter.binary = Binary search - all files (*.*)
fontPreview.dialog.title = Font preview
checkbox.searchText = Search in texts
checkbox.searchAS = Search in AS
dialog.title = Text search
open.error = Error
open.error.fileNotFound = File not found
open.error.cannotOpen = Cannot open file
node.others = others
#after version 1.8.1
menu.tools.search = Text Search
#after version 1.8.1u1
menu.tools.timeline = Timeline
dialog.selectcolor.title = Select color
button.selectcolor.hint = Click to select color
#default item name, will be used in following sentences
generictag.array.item = item
generictag.array.insertbeginning = Insert %item% at the beginning
generictag.array.insertbefore = Insert %item% before
generictag.array.remove = Remove %item%
generictag.array.insertafter = Insert %item% after
generictag.array.insertend = Insert %item% at the end
I am sorry for long time without update... here are new texts
#after version 2.0.0
contextmenu.expandAll = Expand all
binaryData.truncateWarning = %count% bytes truncated.
filter.sounds = Supported sound formats (*.wav, *.mp3)
filter.sounds.wav = Wave file format (*.wav)
filter.sounds.mp3 = MP3 compressed format (*.mp3)
error.sound.invalid = Invalid sound.
button.prev = Previous
button.next = Next
#after version 2.1.0
message.action.playerglobal.title = PlayerGlobal library needed
message.action.playerglobal.needed = For ActionScript 3 direct editation, a library called
"PlayerGlobal.swc" needs to be downloaded from Adobe homepage.\r\n%adobehomepage%\r\nPress
OK to go to the download page.
message.action.playerglobal.place = Download the library called PlayerGlobal(.swc), and
place it to directory\r\n%libpath%\r\n Press OK to continue.
message.confirm.experimental.function = This function is EXPERIMENTAL. It means that you
should not trust the results and the SWF file can be disfunctional after saving.
message.confirm.donotshowagain = Do not show again
menu.import = Import
menu.file.import.text = Import text
import.select.directory = Select directory to import
error.text.import = Error during text import. Do you want to continue?
#after version 2.1.1
contextmenu.removeWithDependencies = Remove with dependencies
abc.action.find-usages = Find usages
abc.action.find-declaration = Find declaration
button.goto = Go to
button.close = Close
dialog.title = Search results: %text%
dialog.title.declaration = Declaration:
Also large changes in Settings dialog with information about each option (attachment)
I think there's no need to translate options marked as "(Internal)", they should be rarely

contextmenu.rawEdit = Raw edit
contextmenu.jumpToCharacter = Jump to character
menu.settings.dumpView = Dump view
menu.view = View
menu.file.view.resources = Resources
menu.file.view.hex = Hex dump
node.header = header
header.signature = Signature:
header.compression = Compression:
header.compression.lzma = LZMA
header.compression.zlib = ZLIB
header.compression.none = No compression
header.version = SWF Version:
header.gfx = GFX:
header.filesize = File size:
header.framerate = Frame rate:
header.framecount = Frame count:
header.displayrect = Display rect:
header.displayrect.value.twips = %xmin%,%ymin% => %xmax%,%ymax% twips
header.displayrect.value.pixels = %xmin%,%ymin% => %xmax%,%ymax% pixels
config.name.dumpView = Dump View
config.description.dumpView = View raw data dump
config.name.dumpInfoCollecting = Dump Info Collecting
config.description.dumpInfoCollecting = Enable/disable information collecting for raw data
shapes.png = PNG
shapes.canvas = HTML5 Canvas
texts.svg = SVG
images.png = PNG
images.jpeg = JPEG
movies = Movies
movies.flv = FLV (No audio)
sounds.mp3_wav = MP3/WAV
sounds.wav = WAV
binaryData = Binary data
binaryData.raw = Raw
morphshapes = Morphshapes
morphshapes.gif = GIF
morphshapes.svg = SVG
morphshapes.canvas = HTML5 Canvas
frames = Frames
frames.png = PNG
frames.gif = GIF
frames.avi = AVI
frames.svg = SVG
frames.canvas = HTML5 Canvas
frames.pdf = PDF
fonts = Fonts
fonts.ttf = TTF
fonts.woff = WOFF
Sorry for sending too late, I always forgot :-(
#after version 2.1.2
contextmenu.saveToFile = Save to File
contextmenu.parseActions = Parse actions
contextmenu.parseABC = Parse ABC
contextmenu.parseInstructions = Parse AVM2 Instructions
#after version 2.1.3
menu.deobfuscation = AS1/2 Deobfuscation
menu.file.deobfuscation.old = Old style
menu.file.deobfuscation.new = New style
#after version 2.1.4
contextmenu.openswfinside = Open SWF inside
binarydata.swfInside = It looks like there is SWF inside this binary data tag. Click here
to load it as subtree.
config.name.useHexColorFormat = Hex color format
config.description.useHexColorFormat = Show the colors in hex format
config.name.showMethodBodyId = Show method body id
config.description.showMethodBodyId = Shows the id of the methodbody for command
I must create some kind of automatic new strings posting...
zoom = Zoom
zoom.percent = %
zoom.invalid = Invalid zoom value.
In my previous post was:
config.description.showMethodBodyId = ...command lineimport
It should be "commandline import". Like import that's executed via commandline.
#after version 3.0.0
button.zoomin.hint = Zoom in
button.zoomout.hint = Zoom out
button.zoomfit.hint = Zoom to fit
button.zoomnone.hint = Zoom to 1:1
button.snapshot.hint = Take snapshot into clipboard
button.loadfont = Load font from disk...
filter.ttf = True Type Font files (*.ttf)
error.invalidfontfile = Invalid font file
error.cannotreadfontfile = Cannot read font file
installed = Installed:
ttffile.noselection = TTF file: <select>
ttffile.selection = TTF file: %fontname% (%filename%)
allcharacters = All characters (%available% characters)
#Font name which is presented in the SWF Font tag
font.name.intag = Font name in tag:
Some #707 related strings:
dialog.title = Debugger Log
button.clear = Clear
button.close = Close
msg.header = connection %clientid%:
dialog.title = Replace Trace function calls
function.debugAlert = debugAlert - web browser javascript alert
function.debugConsole = debugConsole - web browser javascript console.log
function.debugSocket = debugSocket - socket connection to the decompiler
config.name.debuggerPort = Debugger port
config.description.debuggerPort = Port used for socket debugging
config.name.randomDebuggerPackage = Use random package name for Debugger
config.description.randomDebuggerPackage = This renames Debugger package to random string
which makes debugger presence harder to detect by ActionScript
menu.debugger = Debugger
menu.debugger.switch = Debugger
menu.debugger.replacetrace = Replace trace calls
menu.debugger.showlog = Show Log
message.debugger = This SWF Debugger can only be used to print messages to log window,
browser console or alerts.\r\nIt is NOT designed for features like step code, breakpoints
config.name.getLocalNamesFromDebugInfo = AS3: Get local register names from debug info
config.description.getLocalNamesFromDebugInfo = If debug info present, renames local
registers from _loc_x_ to real names. This can be turned off because some obfuscators use
invalid register names there.
contextmenu.addTag = Add tag
config.name.tagTreeShowEmptyFolders = Show empty folders
config.description.tagTreeShowEmptyFolders = Show empty folders in tag tree.
deobfuscation.comment.tryenable = Tip: You can try enabling "Automatic deobfucation" in
deobfuscation.comment.failed = Deobfuscation is activated but decompilation still failed.
If the file is NOT obfuscated, disable "Automatic deobfucation" for better results.
copy.url = Copy URL
save.as = Save as...
replace = Replace...
error.save.as = Cannot save file
error.replace = Cannot replace data
error.start.server = Cannot start server on port %port%. Please check if port is not
blocked by other application.
column.accessed = Accessed
column.size = Size
column.url = URL
This topic was updated a long time ago, so I collected all the missing translations
(separatly by language), and added the missing text to the appropriate topic. Please check
that Issue (#210, #217, #224, #315, #325, #355, #363, #468, #571, #591, #630) and
translate them.
You can see this list in FFDec, too in the following way:
- Enable debug mode in Advanced settings / Debug page
- On the Main ribbon menu / Debug page press Check resources button
The resources used by jSyntaxPane are not included in this list.
Thank you.
ok, back to new texts:
#after version 4.1.0
contextmenu.undo = Undo
text.align.left = Left align
text.align.right = Right align
text.align.center = Center align
text.align.justify = Justify align
text.undo = Undo changes
menu.file.import.xml = Import SWF XML
menu.file.export.xml = Export SWF XML
#after version 4.1.1
text.align.translatex.decrease = Decrease TranslateX
text.align.translatex.increase = Increase TranslateX
selectPreviousTag = Select previous tag
selectNextTag = Select next tag
button.ignoreAll = Ignore All
symbolclass = Symbol Class
symbolclass.csv = CSV
menu.file.import.symbolClass = Symbol Class
config.name.showDebugMenu = Show debug menu
config.description.showDebugMenu = Shows debug menu in the ribbon
config.name.editorMode = Editor Mode
config.description.editorMode = Make text areas editable automatically when you select a
Text or Script node
config.name.autoSaveTagModifications = Auto save tag modifications
config.description.autoSaveTagModifications = Save the changes when you select a new tag
in the tree
config.name.saveSessionOnExit = Save session on exit
config.description.saveSessionOnExit = Save the current session and reopens it after FFDec
restart (works only with real files)
config.name.allowOnlyOneInstance = Allow only one FFDec instance (Only Windows OS)
config.description.allowOnlyOneInstance = FFDec can be then run only once, all files
opened will be added to one window. It works only with Windows operating system.
config.name.scriptExportSingleFile = Export scripts to single file
config.description.scriptExportSingleFile = Exporting scripts to one file instead of
config.name.setFFDecVersionInExportedFont = Set FFDec version number in exported font
config.description.setFFDecVersionInExportedFont = When this setting is disabled, FFDec
won't add the current FFDec version number to the exported font.
config.name.gui.skin = User Interface Skin
config.description.gui.skin = Look and feel skin
config.name.lastSessionData = Last session data
config.description.lastSessionData = Contains the opened files from the last session
config.name.loopMedia = Loop sounds and sprites
config.description.loopMedia = Automatically restarts the playing of the sounds and
config.name.gui.timeLineSplitPane.dividerLocationPercent = (Internal) Timeline Splitter
config.description.gui.timeLineSplitPane.dividerLocationPercent =
config.name.cacheImages = Cache images
config.description.cacheImages = Cache the decoded image objects
config.name.swfSpecificConfigs = SWF specific configurations
config.description.swfSpecificConfigs = Contains the SWF specific configurations
scripts.constants = Constants
buttons = Buttons
buttons.png = PNG
buttons.svg = SVG
buttons.bmp = BMP
text.toggleCase = Toggle case
preview.loop = Loop
menu.file.import.script = Import script
contextmenu.copyTagWithDependencies = Copy tag with dependencies to
button.replaceWithTag = Replace with other character tag
button.resolveConstants = Resolve constants
button.viewConstants = View Constants
work.exported = Exported
button.replaceAlphaChannel = Replace alpha channel...
tagInfo.header.name = Name
tagInfo.header.value = Value
tagInfo.tagType = Tag Type
tagInfo.characterId = Character Id
tagInfo.offset = Offset
tagInfo.length = Length
tagInfo.bounds = Bounds
tagInfo.width = Width
tagInfo.height = Height
tagInfo.neededCharacters = Needed Characters
button.viewhexpcode = View Hex with instructions
taginfo.header = Basic tag info
tagInfo.dependentCharacters = Dependent Characters
dialog.title = Replace character tag
replace.width = Replace with:
button.ok = OK
button.cancel = Cancel
revision 2f762ede66b25359f115e925feef737d91e51dc1:
menu.tools.gotoDocumentClass = Go to document class
menu.tools.searchMemory = Search SWFs in memory
menu.tools.searchCache = Search browsers cache
tagInfo.dependentCharacters = Dependent Characters
menu.tools.gotodocumentclass was removed. Last value: Go to document class
menu.tools.searchmemory was removed. Last value: Search SWFs in memory
menu.tools.searchcache was removed. Last value: Search browsers cache
Hi, translators,
I implemented new translation notifications.
It should look like the previous message/mail.
This one actually has nothing new as the changes were part of previous post by honfika.
When every nightly build is released, changed texts should appear here automatically
("jpexs_server" user).
You can unsubscribe from this issue if you do not want to receive these notifications
Also, there is new option in profile settings (right upper corner on your name ->
which in fact does the same as subscribing to this issue - you will receive same kind of
revision f52170e664f52b610aa41eaf024e66a332078c7a:
header.uncompressed = Uncompressed
header.warning.unsupportedGfxCompression = GFX supports only uncompressed or Zlib
compressed content.
header.warning.minimumZlibVersion = Zlib compression needs SWF version 6 or greater.
header.warning.minimumLzmaVersion = LZMA compression needs SWF version 13 or greater.
revision b077fd235d8a353cf9ae54bbad6cc850c2aa9216:
config.name.exeExportMode = EXE export mode
config.description.exeExportMode = EXE export mode
filter.dmg = Mac Executable files (*.dmg)
filter.linuxExe = Linux Executable files
revision 483a4344576e586f03f44bae5c14fc98b6b44ce0:
config.name.lastSessionFiles = Last session files
config.description.lastSessionFiles = Contains the opened files from the last session
config.name.lastSessionSelection = Last session selection
config.description.lastSessionSelection = Contains the selection from the last session
config.name.lastSessionData was removed. Last value: Last session data
config.description.lastSessionData was removed. Last value: Contains the opened files from
the last session
Hmm, there were no email notification (nor a post here) about the following texts:
tagInfo.codecName = Codec Name
tagInfo.exportFormat = Export Format
tagInfo.samplingRate = Sampling Rate
tagInfo.stereo = Stereo
tagInfo.sampleCount = Sample Count
revision 5273ba9d1a17d1ddce447310a7a158e2401dfb87:
sprites = Sprites
sprites.png = PNG
sprites.gif = GIF
sprites.avi = AVI
sprites.svg = SVG
sprites.canvas = HTML5 Canvas
sprites.pdf = PDF
sprites.bmp = BMP
revision 7b0a5cfa1b2be3d971604b94da6f9960453c68b5:
import.script.result = %count% scripts imported.
import.script.as12warning = Import script can import only AS1/2 scripts.
revision 3c813acc6a928677232f8919522e76b5e86a19cd:
config.name.parallelSpeedUpThreadCount = Number of threads
config.description.parallelSpeedUpThreadCount = Number of threads for parallel speedup
config.name.parallelThreadCount was removed. Last value: Number of threads
config.description.parallelThreadCount was removed. Last value: Number of threads for
parallel speedup
Uhmm, sorry for the spam:-(, I only changed the name of the config to reset it's value. No
translation needed here.
revision 03f6b4729eb450fcc7e7410c24b358e119f0fda4:
config.name.deobfuscationOldMode = Switch deobfuscation to old (5.x) mode
config.description.deobfuscationOldMode = Disable new deobfuscation and use the old one
from previous versions. NOT RECOMMENDED.
revision 311464b876796e9bd0f181f648ba01024eab1869:
config.name.ignoreCLikePackages = Ignore FlashCC / Alchemy or similar packages
config.description.ignoreCLikePackages = FlashCC/Alchemy packages cannot usually be
decompiled correctly. You can disable them to speedup other packages decompilation.
revision a7d5a9309604dc100e2fd6a921c9b1f43f4be4f9:
config.name.overwriteExistingFiles = Overwrite the existing files
config.description.overwriteExistingFiles = Overwrite the existing files during export.
Currently only for AS2/3 scripts
revision 0b4ea14a95f1f50943da7f9a7e82aa9741484182:
error.constantPoolTooBig = Constant pool is too big. index=%index%, size=%size%
revision ecc0cd3f151d4b6c027f314fddf4a69a350cf7ef:
error.image.alpha.invalid = Invalid alpha channel data.
revision 618c7d477a2d9b48a0a405ef4888627958dab15a:
config.name.smartNumberFormatting = Use smart number formatting
config.description.smartNumberFormatting = Format special numbers (for example colors and
revision 0cc939220a166ad428eee2bb9574d95cf154a29c:
dialog.title was removed. Last value: Debugger Log
button.clear was removed. Last value: Clear
button.close was removed. Last value: Close
msg.header was removed. Last value: connection %clientid%:
copy = Copy to clipboard
details = View details
dialog.title = Log
clear = Clear
fontPreview.dialog.title = Font preview
Hmm.. this is strange, please ignore the previous (08/25/2015, 12:13:01 pm) post.
revision cf5cc2734915d2459c91462668ef8c1cb178b88c:
version was removed. Last value: version
by was removed. Last value: by
button.ok was removed. Last value: OK
dialog.title was removed. Last value: About
contributors was removed. Last value: Contributors:
translation.author.label was removed. Last value: Author of english translation:
translation.author was removed. Last value: JPEXS
developers was removed. Last value: Developers:
developers.others was removed. Last value: + others from GitHub and Google code
translators was removed. Last value: Translators:
Please ignore the previous post.
revision 4b7c653aa6d39ca61d1ce295d41ca0ac3dd27309:
contextmenu.saveUncompressedToFile = Save to Uncompressed File
revision a3fef3d30674960057a403ff0918fb052e837dee:
type.method = Method
type.getter = Getter
type.setter = Setter
type.const = Const
type.slot = Slot (var)
checkbox.static = Static
dialog.title = New trait
error.name = You must specify trait name
revision 057a12ccba68ea9d93fb65dc0f9343aca85239c9:
config.name.enableScriptInitializerDisplay = Display script initializers
config.description.enableScriptInitializerDisplay = Enable script initializers display and
editation. This setting may add one newline to each class file for highlighting.
abc.traitslist.scriptinitializer = script initializer
revision a4f4dd3604627e92ee023fa3025bf3ab73119a82:
config.name.autoOpenLoadedSWFs = Open loaded SWFs during run (External viewer = WIN only)
config.description.autoOpenLoadedSWFs = Opens automatically all SWFs loaded by AS3 class
Loader by running SWF when played in FFDec external player. This feature is Windows only.
menu.settings.autoOpenLoadedSWFs = Open loaded SWFs while playing
revision 7830edc139a36fbf6e99d56c4674918ac5f9b98a:
config.name.lastSessionFileTitles = Last session file titles
config.description.lastSessionFileTitles = Contains the opened file titles from the last
session (for example when loaded from URL etc.)
revision d1d24d63a236558e6e1db44526b70bf3f6f1fdba:
config.group.name.paths = Paths
config.group.description.paths = Location of needed files
config.group.tip.paths = You can download these files on adobe webpage
config.group.link.paths = https://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/debug_downloads.html
config.group.linkText.paths = [visit]
config.name.playerLocation = 1) Flash Player projector path
config.description.playerLocation = Location of standalone flash player executable. Used
for Run action.
config.name.playerDebugLocation = 2) Flash Player projector content debugger path
config.description.playerDebugLocation = Location of standalone debug flash player
executable. Used for Debug action.
config.name.playerLibLocation = 3) PlayerGlobal (.swc) path
config.description.playerLibLocation = Location of playerglobal.swc flash player library.
It is used mostly for AS3 compilation.
config.name.debugHalt = Halt execution od debug start
config.description.debugHalt = Pause SWF on start of debugging.
config.name.gui.avm2.splitPane.vars.dividerLocationPercent = (Internal) Debug menu
splitter location
config.description.gui.avm2.splitPane.vars.dividerLocationPercent =
tip = Tip:
For some reason, localizations of MainFrame were not sent automatically, so here you go:
#after version 6.1.1
menu.file.start = Start
menu.file.start.run = Run
menu.file.start.stop = Stop
menu.file.start.debug = Debug
menu.debugging = Debugging
menu.debugging.debug = Debug
menu.debugging.debug.stop = Stop
menu.debugging.debug.pause = Pause
menu.debugging.debug.stepOver = Step over
menu.debugging.debug.stepInto = Step into
menu.debugging.debug.stepOut = Step out
menu.debugging.debug.continue = Continue
menu.debugging.debug.stack = Stack...
menu.debugging.debug.watch = New watch...
message.playerpath.notset = Flash Player projector not found. Please configure its path in
Advanced Settings / Paths (1).
message.playerpath.debug.notset = Flash Player projector content debugger not found.
Please configure its path in Advanced Settings / Paths (2).
message.playerpath.lib.notset = PlayerGlobal (.SWC) not found. Please configure its path
in Advanced Settings / Paths (3).
debugpanel.header = Debugging
variables.header.registers = Registers
variables.header.locals = Locals
variables.header.arguments = Arguments
variables.header.scopeChain = Scope chain
variables.column.name = Name
variables.column.type = Type
variables.column.value = Value
callStack.header = Call stack
callStack.header.file = File
callStack.header.line = Line
stack.header = Stack
stack.header.item = Item
work.running = Running
work.debugging = Debugging
work.debugging.instrumenting = Preparing SWF for debugging
work.breakat = Breat at\u0020
work.halted = Debugging started, execution halted. Add breakpoints and click Continue (F5)
to resume running.
debuglog.header = Log
debuglog.button.clear = Clear
#after 7.0.1
work.debugging.wait = Waiting for Flash debug projector to connect
error.debug.listen = Cannot listen on port %port%. There might be other flash debugger
debug.break.reason.unknown = (Unknown)
debug.break.reason.breakpoint = (Breakpoint)
debug.break.reason.watch = (Watch)
debug.break.reason.fault = (Fault)
debug.break.reason.stopRequest = (Stop request)
debug.break.reason.step = (Step)
debug.break.reason.halt = (Halt)
debug.break.reason.scriptLoaded = (Script loaded)
Now you can translate Installer messages too - use attached file - it's NSIS script.

revision b338abcdba97314fdaa2f3ede4a42beeaca1c330:
config.name.deobfuscationMode was removed. Last value: Deobfuscation mode
config.description.deobfuscationMode was removed. Last value: Run deobfuscation on every
file before ActionScript decompilation
config.name.deobfuscationOldMode was removed. Last value: Switch deobfuscation to old
(5.x) mode
config.description.deobfuscationOldMode was removed. Last value: Disable new deobfuscation
and use the old one from previous versions. NOT RECOMMENDED.
revision 568f41b45e42e7943df8e5fbd6c920767d8fd655:
button.goto was removed. Last value: Go to
button.cancel was removed. Last value: Cancel
dialog.title was removed. Last value: Usages:
dialog.title.declaration was removed. Last value: Declaration:
revision 932cd11d7ee86a6a9d36909b7378301502aa0b33:
menu.file.start.debugpcode = Debug P-code
revision 5960434c23c3a246014f9b75377a560012b83c29:
button.replaceNoFill = Replace - Update bounds...
revision 4052b6902f27ffc555d18ab3805a2ac5f468a51f:
config.name.experimentalSvgImportEnabled = Enable experimental SVG import
config.description.experimentalSvgImportEnabled =
revision 39171a01438b83475087d6d2880795770924c967:
constantpool.header = Constant pool
constantpool.header.id = Id
constantpool.header.value = Value
revision 71e3db5435daef9a4a0f9a719c0d9947dd328fcc:
config.name.setMovieDelay = Delay before changing the SWF in external player in ms
config.description.setMovieDelay = Not recommended to change this value below 1000ms
config.name.warning.svgImport = Warn on SVG import
config.description.warning.svgImport =
config.name.experimentalSvgImportEnabled was removed. Last value: Enable experimental SVG
config.description.experimentalSvgImportEnabled was removed. Last value:
message.warning.svgImportExperimental = Not all SVG features are supported. Only solid
color fill mode is supported. Please check the log after import.
revision 300022acc7c5af701c636176d36d5eeb2571259e:
config.name.shapeImport.useNonSmoothedFill = Use non-smoothed fill when a shape is
replaced with an image
config.description.shapeImport.useNonSmoothedFill =
revision 316526512f5da6da7735696397cabcb220108dc8:
config.name.internalFlashViewer.execute.as12 = AS1/2 in own flash viewer (Experimental)
config.description.internalFlashViewer.execute.as12 = Try to execute ActionScript 1/2
during SWF playback using FFDec flash viewer
revision c069d5e0e419f30aee6f69c1cf4b2622ea6a847c:
message.imported.swf = The SWF file uses assets from an imported SWF file:
Do you want the assets to be loaded from that URL?
message.imported.swf.manually = Cannot load imported SWF
The file or URL does not exist.
Do you want to select local file?
revision e333b92ffbe213b299d7623995b09e67312d7126:
config.name.warning.hexViewNotUpToDate = Show Hex View not up-to-date warning
config.description.warning.hexViewNotUpToDate =
message.warning.hexViewNotUpToDate = Hex View is not up-to-date. Please save and reload
the file to update Hex View.
revision 8e9c38fa712cda9afec40c8029b73c651a6319c4:
message.font.replace.updateTexts = Some characters were replaced. Do you want to update
the existing texts?
revision 1502aee0b82a0b4cfe765949506a0251c8437ca1:
config.name.displayDupInstructions = Show §§dup instructions
config.description.displayDupInstructions = Display §§dup instructions in the code.
Without them, the code can be easily compiled but some dupped code with sideeffects could
be executed twice.
config.name.useRegExprLiteral = Decompile RegExp as /pattern/mod literal.
config.description.useRegExprLiteral = Use /pattern/mod syntax when decompiling regular
expressions. new RegExp("pat","mod") is used otherwise
revision 8162aa6c3e8f1c7ee175489f6ea6cd8ddfbe87d6:
config.name.handleSkinPartsAutomatically = Handle [SkinPart] metadata automatically
config.description.handleSkinPartsAutomatically = Decompiles and direct edits [SkinPart]
metadata automatically. When turned off, _skinParts attribute and its getter method is
visible and manually editable.
revision e2198aa6046c98efc288328893086deb7b68202c:
version was removed. Last value: version
by was removed. Last value: by
button.ok was removed. Last value: OK
dialog.title was removed. Last value: About
contributors was removed. Last value: Contributors:
translation.author.label was removed. Last value: Author of english translation:
translation.author was removed. Last value: JPEXS
developers was removed. Last value: Developers:
developers.others was removed. Last value: + others from GitHub and Google code
translators was removed. Last value: Translators:
revision cbfb11452b0dc0c8cd1f3fb9f9756a2dcb8531aa:
config.name._debugMode = FFDec in debug mode
config.description._debugMode = Mode for debugging FFDec. Turns on debug menu. This has
nothing to do with the debugger functionality
config.name._debugCopy = FFDec debug recompile
config.description._debugCopy = Tries to compile SWF file again just after opening to
ensure it produces same binary code. Use for DEBUGGING FFDec only!
config.name._showDebugMenu = Show FFDec debug menu
config.description._showDebugMenu = Shows debug menu in the ribbon for debugging of the
config.name.debugMode was removed. Last value: Debug mode
config.description.debugMode was removed. Last value: Mode for debugging. Turns on debug
config.name.debugCopy was removed. Last value: Debug recompile
config.description.debugCopy was removed. Last value: Tries to compile SWF file again just
after opening to ensure it produces same binary code. Use for DEBUGGING only!
config.name.showDebugMenu was removed. Last value: Show debug menu
config.description.showDebugMenu was removed. Last value: Shows debug menu in the ribbon
revision 56a8109d4a4e5acd918e9935b64ba28665bba706:
config.name.resetLetterSpacingOnTextImport = Reset Letter Spacing on text import
config.description.resetLetterSpacingOnTextImport = Useful for cyrillic fonts, because
they are wider
revision 0beca77f4861915f81bab6eff9c11dbf12505dba:
menu.recentFiles.empty = Recent file list is empty
revision 94bb61c9b3c18fee9c56afb122f6b8ce075eedd4:
message.warning.outOfMemeory32BitJre = OutOfMemory error occured. You are running 32bit
Java on 64bit system. Please use 64bit Java.
revision 421fbf8bc0e769456c84f6c2b43dcc3a1fa0e4c4:
version was removed. Last value: version
by was removed. Last value: by
button.ok was removed. Last value: OK
dialog.title was removed. Last value: About
contributors was removed. Last value: Contributors:
translation.author.label was removed. Last value: Author of english translation:
translation.author was removed. Last value: JPEXS
developers was removed. Last value: Developers:
developers.others was removed. Last value: + others from GitHub and Google code
translators was removed. Last value: Translators:
revision 49f22381bf6e1db8d5b514b82e58d50f748a72cd:
message.warning.outOfMemory32BitJre = OutOfMemory error occured. You are running 32bit
Java on 64bit system. Please use 64bit Java.
message.warning.outOfMemeory32BitJre was removed. Last value: OutOfMemory error occured.
You are running 32bit Java on 64bit system. Please use 64bit Java.
revision 2d490115e72c117047b3d12afd2019d71ebefcf9:
column.address = Address
revision 435fef81992544fb32ac99e3a76515e25ae543b8:
export.script.singleFilePallelModeWarning = Single file script export is not supported
with enabled parallel speedup
revision 81c3df016db0801f7e059093e52db4c19a691936:
button.showOriginalBytesInPcodeHex = Show original bytes
revision fc0e941470444044c05db4771f48e7a2e82b9311:
button.remove = Remove
revision 5ccbc424f607fb6c6eb4cdfcc677a816f1bdc61f:
button.showFileOffsetInPcodeHex = Show file offset
revision 80b000b82b3995ae2b9ffcedb0f29ab3f8a74587:
generic.editor.amf3.title = AMF3 editor
generic.editor.amf3.help = AMF3 value syntax:
scalar types:
%scalar_samples%other types:
* Nonscalar datatypes can be referenced by previously declared "id" attributes with #
* = Keys in Dictionary entries can be any type
Note: the generic.editor.amf3.help value is on multiple lines. In the previous message,
lines including ---- until the message finish should be be translated. Thanks.
revision 234ed1c9159490280583a3a44adab3cdc455d4b4:
contextmenu.showInResources = Show in Resources
revision 3d06f796b023bb6089194fa54bcc6de0351684df:
config.group.linkText.paths = [visit]
config.name.flexSdkLocation was removed. Last value: 4) Flex SDK directory path
config.description.flexSdkLocation was removed. Last value: Location of Adobe Flex SDK. It
is used mostly for AS3 compilation.
config.name.useFlexAs3Compiler was removed. Last value: Use Flex SDK AS3 compiler
config.description.useFlexAs3Compiler was removed. Last value: Use AS3 compiler from Flex
SDK while ActionScript direct editation (Flex SDK directory needs to be set)
scripts.as_method_stubs was removed. Last value: ActionScript method stubs
message.flexpath.notset was removed. Last value: Flex SDK not found. Please configure its
path in Advanced Settings / Paths (4).
revision fb5b9c69d9ef9753d7eb3c06fc20ceb3136e54dd:
config.group.linkText.paths = [visit]
config.name.flexSdkLocation was removed. Last value: 4) Flex SDK directory path
config.description.flexSdkLocation was removed. Last value: Location of Adobe Flex SDK. It
is used mostly for AS3 compilation.
config.name.useFlexAs3Compiler was removed. Last value: Use Flex SDK AS3 compiler
config.description.useFlexAs3Compiler was removed. Last value: Use AS3 compiler from Flex
SDK while ActionScript direct editation (Flex SDK directory needs to be set)
scripts.as_method_stubs was removed. Last value: ActionScript method stubs
message.flexpath.notset was removed. Last value: Flex SDK not found. Please configure its
path in Advanced Settings / Paths (4).
Umm, I am sorry for these previous "spam" messages - it looks like the language diff
script is not working properly.
And those messages were not removed - they were actually added.
Here is correct list:
config.group.linkText.paths = [visit]
config.name.flexSdkLocation = 4) Flex SDK directory path
config.description.flexSdkLocation = Location of Adobe Flex SDK. It is used mostly for AS3
config.name.useFlexAs3Compiler = Use Flex SDK AS3 compiler
config.description.useFlexAs3Compiler = Use AS3 compiler from Flex SDK while ActionScript
direct editation (Flex SDK directory needs to be set)
scripts.as_method_stubs = ActionScript method stubs
message.flexpath.notset = Flex SDK not found. Please configure its path in Advanced
Settings / Paths (4).
revision 61d68879385b063022f95330f32194f1ada867ce:
abc.detail.split = :
abc.detail.trait = Trait - %trait_type%
abc.detail.trait.method = Method
abc.detail.trait.getter = Getter
abc.detail.trait.setter = Setter
abc.detail.trait.slot = Slot
abc.detail.trait.const = Const
abc.detail.trait.class = Class
abc.detail.trait.function = Function
abc.detail.specialmethod = Special method - %specialmethod_type%
abc.detail.specialmethod.scriptinitializer = Script initializer
abc.detail.specialmethod.classinitializer = Class initializer
abc.detail.specialmethod.instanceinitializer = Instance initializer
abc.detail.innerfunction = Inner function
button.edit.script.decompiled = Edit ActionScript
button.edit.script.disassembled = Edit P-code
revision 3bbfb018d215912372355ee07d7d7b9a7bb0e6cd:
debug.watch.add = Add watch to %name%
debug.watch.add.read = Read
debug.watch.add.write = Write
debug.watch.add.readwrite = Read+Write-
error.debug.watch.add = Cannot add watch to this variable.
variables.column.scope = Scope
variables.column.flags = Flags
variables.column.trait = Trait
revision 6e74ff5951a22f6a9670fddece7112f4e1a66c24:
config.name.showSetAdvanceValuesMessage = Show again information about setting advance
config.description.showSetAdvanceValuesMessage = Show again information about setting
advance values
message.font.setadvancevalues = This operation will set advance of ALL characters in this
tag to selected font source advances.
revision a6a6568bbbcf429f410e6e907577f19f88200ed7:
menu.tools.deobfuscation.renameColliding = Rename colliding traits/classes
Sorry for not letting you know about latest translation updates. As we moved most of the
page to GitHub, our automatic script updating this issue is not working.
I'll try to update it manually. We do not work on FFDec much so do not expect updates
If you do not want to follow the issue anymore, you can unsubscribe.
Here are new strings since september 2016:
filter.iggy = Iggy files (*.iggy)
abc.traitslist.instanceinitializer = instance initializer
abc.traitslist.classinitializer = class initializer
abc.traitslist.scriptinitializer = script initializer
#after 11.1.0
script.seemsBroken = <b>WARNING</b>: The code decompilation contains <font
color=red>\u00a7\u00a7 instructions</font>. \
This is usually caused by an obfuscation (See Settings/Automatic deobfuscation) \
or a nonstandard compiler used (Haxe, etc.).
button.copygraph = Copy GraphViz to ClipBoard
graph.better.dot = Tip: Configure GraphViz Dot executable path in Advanced settings /
Paths (5) to get a way better graphs!
menu.copygraph.gv = Copy GraphViz source to ClipBoard
scripts.pcode_graphviz = P-code GraphViz
config.name.gui.fontSizeMultiplier = Font size multiplier
config.description.gui.fontSizeMultiplier = Font size multiplier
config.name.graphVizDotLocation = 5) GraphViz Dot executable path
config.description.graphVizDotLocation = Path to dot.exe (or similar for linux) of
GraphViz application for displaying Graphs.
#Do not translate the Font Styles (Plain... etc.)
config.name.gui.sourceFont = Source font style
config.description.gui.sourceFont =
#after 11.1.0
config.name.as12DeobfuscatorExecutionLimit = AS1/2 deobfuscator execution limit
config.description.as12DeobfuscatorExecutionLimit = Maximum number of instructions
processed during AS1/2 execution deobfuscation
checkbox.searchPCode = Search in P-Code
Latest strings to translate if you still interested into translation:
(You can use unsubscribe link in you email if you do not wish to receive further emails.)
#after 11.3.0
config.name.useAdobeFlashPlayerForPreviews = (Deprecated) Use Adobe Flash player for
preview of objects
config.description.useAdobeFlashPlayerForPreviews = Use Adobe Flash player for preview of
objects. WARNING: FlashPlayer was discontinued on 2021-01-12
#after 12.0.1
config.name.showLineNumbersInPCodeGraphvizGraph = Show line numbers in Graphviz graphs
config.description.showLineNumbersInPCodeGraphvizGraph = Show line numbers in the P-code
graphviz graph.
config.name.padAs3PCodeInstructionName = Pad AS3 P-code instruction names
config.description.padAs3PCodeInstructionName = Pad AS3 P-code instruction names with
#after 13.0.2
config.name.indentAs3PCode = Indent AS3 P-code
config.description.indentAs3PCode = Indent AS3 P-code blocks like trait/body/code
config.name.labelOnSeparateLineAs3PCode = Label in AS3 P-code on separate line
config.description.labelOnSeparateLineAs3PCode = Make label in AS3 P-code stand on
separate line
config.name.useOldStyleGetSetLocalsAs3PCode = Use oldstyle getlocal_x instead of getlocalx
in AS3 P-code
config.description.useOldStyleGetSetLocalsAs3PCode = Use oldstyle getlocal_x, setlocal_x
from FFDec 12.x or older
config.name.useOldStyleLookupSwitchAs3PCode = Use oldstyle lookupswitch without brackets
in AS3 P-code
config.description.useOldStyleLookupSwitchAs3PCode = Use oldstyle lookupswitch from FFDec
12.x or older
#after 13.0.3
config.name.checkForModifications = Check for file modifications outside FFDec
config.description.checkForModifications = Check for modifications of files by other
applications and ask to reload
dialog.title = Files were modified
button.ok = OK
button.cancel = Cancel
fileschanged = Following files were modified outside the application. Do you want to
reload them from disk?
#after 13.0.3
button.removetrait = Remove trait
message.confirm.removetrait = Do you really want to remove selected trait?
Latest strings to translate if you still interested into translation:
(You can use unsubscribe link in you email if you do not wish to receive further emails.)
#after 13.0.3
label.scope = Scope:
scope.currentFile = Current SWF
scope.selection = Selection (%selection%)
scope.allFiles = All opened SWFs
scope.selection.items = %count% items
#after 14.0.0
ascentdescentleading = Set ascent, descent and leading
config.name.warning.initializers = Warn on AS3 slot/const editation about initializers
config.description.warning.initializers = Show warning on AS3 slot/const editation about
config.name.parametersPanelInSearchResults = Show parameters panel in search results
config.description.parametersPanelInSearchResults = Show panel with parameters like search
text / ignore case / regexp in search results window
config.name.displayAs3PCodeDocsPanel = Show docs panel in AS3 P-code
config.description.displayAs3PCodeDocsPanel = Show panel with documentation of
instructions and code structure in AS3 P-code editation and display
config.name.displayAs3TraitsListAndConstantsPanel = Show AS3 traits list and constants
config.description.displayAs3TraitsListAndConstantsPanel = Show panel with list of traits
and constants under the tag tree for AS3
#after 14.1.0
config.name.useAsTypeIcons = Use script icons based on item type
config.description.useAsTypeIcons = Use different icons for different script types
config.name.limitAs3PCodeOffsetMatching = Limit of AS3 P-code offset matching
config.description.limitAs3PCodeOffsetMatching = Limit of instructions in AS3 P-code which
are offset-matched to AS3 script
#after 14.2.1
config.name.showSlowRenderingWarning = Log warning when rendering is too slow
config.description.showSlowRenderingWarning = Logs warning when internal flash viewer is
too slow to display content
#after 14.3.1
config.name.autoCloseQuotes = Auto close single quotes on script edit
config.description.autoCloseQuotes = Automatically inserts second single quote ' on typing
first one
config.name.autoCloseDoubleQuotes = Auto close double quotes on script edit
config.description.autoCloseDoubleQuotes = Automatically inserts second double quote " on
typing first one
config.name.autoCloseBrackets = Auto close brackets on script edit
config.description.autoCloseBrackets = Automatically inserts closing bracket ] on typing
opening [
config.name.autoCloseParenthesis = Auto close parenthesis on script edit
config.description.autoCloseParenthesis = Automatically inserts closing parenthesis ) on
typing opening (
config.name.showDialogOnError = Show error dialog on every error
config.description.showDialogOnError = Automatically displays error dialog on every error
#after 14.4.0
config.name.limitSameChars = Limit of the same characters for \\{xx}C (repeat) escape
config.description.limitSameChars = Maximum number of the same characters in a row in
P-code strings or obufuscated names before replacing with \\{xx}C repeat escape
#after 14.5.2
config.name.showImportScriptsInfo = Show information before importing scripts
config.description.showImportScriptsInfo = Displays some info about how importing scripts
works after clicking Import scripts in the menu.
config.name.showImportTextInfo = Show information before importing text
config.description.showImportTextInfo = Displays some info about how importing text works
after clicking Import text in the menu.
config.name.showImportSymbolClassInfo = Show information before importing Symbol-Class
config.description.showImportSymbolClassInfo = Displays some info about how Symbol-Class
importing works after clicking Import Symbol-Class in the menu.
config.name.showImportXmlInfo = Show information before importing XML
config.description.showImportXmlInfo = Displays some info about how XML importing works
after clicking Import XML in the menu.
#after 15.1.1
config.name.lastSessionTagListSelection = Last session tag list selection
config.description.lastSessionTagListSelection = Contains the selection from the last
session on the list selection view
config.name.lastView = Last view
config.description.lastView = Last displayed view mode
config.name.swfSpecificCustomConfigs = SWF specific custom configurations
config.description.swfSpecificCustomConfigs = Contains the SWF specific configurations in
custom format
config.name.warningOpeningReadOnly = Warn on opening readonly SWF
config.description.warningOpeningReadOnly = Show warning when opening SWF from readonly
contextmenu.addScript = Add script
contextmenu.addClass = Add class
contextmenu.removeScript = Remove script
message.confirm.remove.nodep = Are you sure you want to remove %item%?
message.confirm.removemultiple.nodep = Are you sure you want to remove %count% items?
menu.recentSearches = Recent searches for current file
menu.recentSearches.empty = Recent searches list is empty
#after 14.1.0
menu.tools.otherTools.clearRecentSearches = Clear all recent searches
menu.recentSearches.clear = clear search results
message.confirm.recentSearches.clear = Do you really want to clear recent searches for
current file?
message.input.gotoCharacter.title = Go to character
message.input.gotoCharacter = Enter character id
message.character.notfound = Character %characterid% not found.
FileChooser.preview = Preview
FileChooser.previewNotAvailable = (preview not available)
#after 14.2.1
button.freetransform = Free transform
#after 14.3.1
error.outOfMemory.title = Error - out of memory
error.outOfMemory = The decompiler ran out of memory. Current maximum size of Java Heap is
set to %maxheap%.
error.outOfMemory.windows = It is set to maximum available when you run app via
"ffdec.exe".\nIf you run the app via "ffdec.bat", you can configure it in that file
manually to higher value.
error.outOfMemory.unixmac = You can increase this maximum by editing "ffdec.sh" file.
error.outOfMemory.64bit = You need 64 bit OS and 64 bit Java to use more memory than cca
error.outOfMemory.32BitJreOn64bitOs = WARNING: You are running 32bit Java on 64bit system.
Please use 64bit Java.
notavailable.internalviewer = Preview of this object is only available through Flash
ActiveX component.\n \
You can enable using Flash ActiveX by checking\n \
Advanced Settings / Other / (Deprecated) Use Adobe Flash player for preview of objects
notavailable.activex = Preview of this object is not available since Flash ActiveX
component is not correctly working on your system.\n \
This is pretty common situation as Adobe dropped support for in 2021.
notavailable.activex.disable = You can enable using internal viewer by unchecking\n \
Advanced Settings / Other / (Deprecated) Use Adobe Flash player for preview of objects\n
But unfortunately, this won't work for movie tags.
#after 14.5.2
button.showin.flashprojector = Show in flash projector
message.info = Information
message.info.importScripts = During importing scripts, you need to select a FOLDER.\r\n \
The folder must contain "scripts" subfolder and its tree must match existing script tree
in current selected SWF.\r\n \
The best way to get the structure right is to export scripts in current SWF file first.
\r\n\r\n \
Also note that this import uses same compiler as in standard AS editation in FFDec window
(Experimental for AS3).
message.info.importTexts = During importing text, you need to select a FOLDER.\r\n \
The folder must contain "texts" subfolder and filenames inside must match existing texts
in current selected SWF.\r\n \
The best way to get the structure right is to export texts in current SWF file first.
message.info.importSymbolClass = During importing Symbol-Class, you need to select a
FOLDER containing file "%file%".\r\n \
This is the same filename as it is used when exported.
message.info.importXml = For XML importing, you need a XML file in special format - the
format in which FFDec exports.\r\n \
The best way to create such XML file is to export XML from existing SWF first.
#after 14.6.0
tagInfo.dependentFrames = Dependent Frames
#after 15.0.0
imagePanel.depth = depth:
work.importing_as = Importing script
importing_as.finishedin = Imported in %time%
work.deobfuscating_pcode = Deobfuscating pcode
work.injecting_debuginfo = Injecting debug info
work.generating_swd = Generating SWD file
#after 15.1.1
button.replaceRefs = Replace references with other character ID
contextmenu.cloneTag = Clone tag
contextmenu.moveTagAround = Move tag
contextmenu.addTagBefore = Add tag before
contextmenu.addTagAfter = Add tag after
menu.file.view.tagList = Tag list
contextmenu.showInTagList = Show in Tag list
message.input.addFrames.title = Add frames
message.input.addFrames.howmany = How many frames to add
contextmenu.addFramesBefore = Add frames before
contextmenu.addFramesAfter = Add frames after
contextmenu.addFrames = Add frames
error.readonly.cannotSave = File will NOT be saved. This SWF file source does not allow to
save changes.\r\n\
This is usually caused by loading binary data file or file with unknown extension in
binary mode.\r\n\
Please use the "Save As" command to export particular SWF file.
warning.readonly = The file "%file%" is loaded in READONLY mode. \r\n\
Changes you make won't be saved unless you use the "Save as" button.\r\n\
This is usually caused by opening file in binary search mode,\r\n\
the file has probably unknown extension and then saving cannot be done because\r\n\
the file format is unknown.