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#329 paralellSpeedUp switch seems not working & decompilation is much slower in 1.7.0u1 than in 1.7.0
Author: developer honfika
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to: developer honfika
Labels: Performance
State: closed Help

> What steps will reproduce the problem? Export files from attached swf. > What is the expected output? What do you see instead? In 1.7.0 was: Config autoDeobfuscate set to true Config paralelSpeedUp set to false Config cacheOnDisk set to false ... Exported script 264/2427 MyLife.MyLife, 00:07.456 ... Exported script 720/2427 MyLife.Server, 00:28.264 ... Exported script 1555/2427 MyLife.PhotoStudio.Scorer.PhotoScorerQuickModel, 00:00.719 ... Exported script 1561/2427 MyLife.PhotoStudio.Scorer.PhotoScorerModel, 00:00.822 In 1.7.0u1: Config autoDeobfuscate set to true Config parallelSpeedUp set to false Config cacheOnDisk set to false ... Exported script 2424/2427 MyLife.PhotoStudio.Scorer.PhotoScorerQuickModel, 17:31.846 Exported script 2425/2427 MyLife.MyLife, 18:57.259 Exported script 2426/2427 MyLife.Server, 19:59.132 Exported script 2427/2427 MyLife.PhotoStudio.Scorer.PhotoScorerModel, 22:59.221 > What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? 1.7.0u1 > Please provide any additional information below. Attach the file you have problem with if neccessary. If you do not want to publish files YOU CAN CHANGE VISIBILITY TO PRIVATE I'm using the following parameters: autoDeobfuscate=1,parallelSpeedUp=0,cacheOnDisk=0 Why are the file order diffrent in the output? ParallelSpeedUp switch seems not working. The export time was about a half hour for this file. If I add the last 4 export times (17+18+19+23 minutes) then i got much more. So probably it was executed in parallel.
Quick fix for the 1st part of the issue: method ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(20); to ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(parallel ? 20 : 1);
This is my issue, and it was solved by me earlier, so I close it.
State: new→closed
hmm, great, users solve their own issues, I like it :-D. Thank you for cooperation :-).
Assigned:developer honfika