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#313 command line parameter for ignore all errors
Author: developer honfika
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to: developer honfika
Labels: Commandline
State: closed Help

Usually i export the swf files from command line. With redirecting the output to file. I found that sometimes the exporting freezes. In the error log file i saw the following: Error occured: C:\Projectek\ffdec\FFDec\swfs\klone.swf_dir\7%22 \ (The system cannot find the path specified) Select action: (A)bort, (R)Retry, (I)Ignore: It would be great to have a command line parameter for ignoring the errors (so no user action is required) (I'll create a separate issue for escaping the foldernames which ends with space)
Assigned:developer honfika
State: new→opened
Version 1.7.1 was released, this was implemented by you so I am closing this.
State: opened→closed