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#311 Export FLA: bitmap usage exported incorrectly

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:

Labels: FLA export
State: closed 

Please, try to export attached swf to FLA, navigate to Symbol 99 and look at the Layer 3
(under mask). You'll see there bunch of frames with HUGE symbols on them %)
There should be ball images actually (I see them in library though).
I attached original FLA for your reference (target symbol is called "ball" there);
I think you forgot to attach the file?
Oops, sorry, files are same as in #310.
State: new→opened
Assigned: →

Version 1.7.1 was released,
this should be fixed, try it.
State: opened→upgraded
Yey, looks great! Thanks.
State: upgraded→closed