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List of issues#308 Export FLA: incorrect static text X coordinate
Author: focus
Date created:
Type: question
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to: JPEXS
Labels: FLA exportText
State: closed
Please, try to export attached swf to FLA, navigate to Symbol 126 and look at the static
TextField there.
I see it's X position is -6.05, but it was -7.75 originally.
I attached original FLA for your reference (target symbol is called menu_start there).
Any news on it?
Do you have original font "Bohema TYGRA" installed?
I think this may be related. As If I compile your FLA into SWF and then decompile it back,
I get correct value -7.75. (I don't have the font installed)
I have no such font installed now, but looks like it was when I compiled originally posted
here swf. Now I have same result as you're - if I recompile and decompile it back I get
7.75 x position. Looks like all is fine here.