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#303 Open folder with exported FLA

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Type: feature
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Labels: FLA exportGUI
State: closed 

This could be useful (maybe optional) - I always navigate to that folder anyway.
Maybe better to add a tick to shell.execute it anyway u navigates to folder for opening
.fla isn't it so there is a reason to skip this step?
Not sure I understand your comment %)
I meaned that what for is opening folder maybe bettter to make open .fla directly in
assosiated application (Adobe Flash for example) feature.
I see, actually folder would be better for me since I have few different versions of Flash
Pro installed and usually choose different versions for different FLA (CS6 for as2 and CC
for as3), so folder opening would be more flexible from my point.
Any news on it?
Implemented. Settings/Advanced settings/openFolderAfterFlaExport should be enabled.
Great, thanks!
State: upgraded→closed