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#301 Clear errors log

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:

Labels: GUI
State: closed 

Would be nice to have such button!)
Instead of clear error log I suggest to have a log folder and a new log file would be
created every time an swf is opened. - It would log all the information of the process,
info about the file (its location, sizes, classes etc.?) and errors obviously.
This is something different. And log is writing to file already. My feature request is
about errors clearing button (to clear all current errors in log and turn off red icon at
bottom right of the main window), read carefully next time please.
Srorr, my bad.
And I know that log is written to file already, it's just that it's being written in the
same file every time + it clears whatever was already in the log file.
I'll create new issue then ;)
State: new→opened
Assigned: →

Version 1.7.1 was released,
this was implemented.
State: opened→upgraded
Yep, thanks! But errors log clearing doesn't resets red cross icon in the right bottom
side of the FFDec window.
State: upgraded→returned
State: returned→opened
1.7.3 released. The button should now reset icon too.
State: opened→upgraded
Yep, works, thanks.
State: upgraded→closed