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#294 Cosmetic: labels are shifted in font parameters a bit
Author: user focus
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: GUI
State: closed Help

DownloadZtnrQQH.png (3 KiB)
I also mentioned this glitch.
Found text cut in search.
Downloadglitch.jpg (26 KiB)
megalol: Search panel is same width as script textarea. If you resize window, the panel should be wider too. (The panel should be inside the textarea but for some reason isn't - maybe because of new UI)
State: new→opened
Ok, thanks for info. Yes in some cases this panel are under text area and this specially in full screen mode looks like bugged.
Downloadfull.jpg (380 KiB)
version 1.7.0u1 was released. focus: this should be fixed
State: opened→upgraded
Yep, looks nice now, thanks!
megalol: create new issue if you want to change it
State: upgraded→closed