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#292 Change background color in SWF preview

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:

Labels: GUI
State: closed 

> What steps will reproduce the problem?
Open .swf try to see some texts.
> What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Most of text in some .swf didn't show in preview (Sothink decompiler show it correctly -
maybe it one of last things where it take advantage over FFDec).
> What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
1.7.0 (the same result with old ver.)
> Please provide any additional information below. Attach the file you have problem with
if neccessary. If you do not want to publish files YOU CAN CHANGE VISIBILITY TO PRIVATE
Use send earlier by email ttp.swf.

The text is shown, but you cannot see it because it is white on white background :-).
Maybe I need to implement background color selection...
Type: bug→question
Loool :). Yes, a background selection will be nice :). Should I make a new issue or u can
rename it and change status to feature?
It can stay in this issue.
Title: Can't see text in preview→Change background color in SWF preview
Type: question→feature
Type: question→feature
Could be useful to take background from the swf itself by default. And let user change
background as well of course.
+1 for take background from .swf feature too.
State: new→opened
Assigned: →

Version 1.7.1 was released,
this was implemented - see icon in bottom right corner.
State: opened→upgraded
I think there are a bug with this because font preview background by default is black in
1.7.1. After I changed it from back to white (as it was in prev. version), closed FFDec
and opened again it remain(reversed to) black again.
Maybe it is because SWF background color is black?
Maybe I should make font background fixed to white... should I?
So I think there are 2 way to fix it - to make font preview background by default back to
white color. Or to save my backround color preferences after exiting FFDec.
If FFDec autodetects swf backround, font background should be fixed or u to disable
autodetection for fonts preview window.
It seems that there are no backround autodetection or it works bad because in text tab I
have black DefineEditText with black background so I can't see it until change backround
to white manually. I think the best solution is to make save functionality for background
color to make it working after closing FFDec. But if it's to complex, make it work as u
suggested above.
State: upgraded→returned
I will make fonts preview always black and white.
On the other hand I want to make text editing use SWF background color.
If the text is black and SWF background is black, you will obviously not see the text,
this is the same as in previous version which had white text on default white background.
State: returned→opened
in 1.7.2 there should be black and white fonts preview
State: opened→upgraded
Thanks! Much better now. But it's actually not black and white - it looks like black and
cyan in fonts preview :D.
Yeah, sorry for inaccuracy :-D, it is cyan as other FFDec backgrounds, not white.
I think this should be satisfactory :-).
I am closing this.
State: upgraded→closed