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#291 Language selection dialog is not translatable
Author: user focus
Date created:
Type: question
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: GUI
State: closed Help

Looks like it's caption and label "Language" are not available for translation (would be nice to have them in
Yes, it is not translated. I thought it is better not translated because If you accidentally switch language to something wrong, you still know what to do in this dialog :-). If you know what I mean...
Type: bug→question
Ah, I see your point. And I'm not sure it should be translated too - all controls are pretty intuitive there, just saying in case you forgot about it. So feel free to decide yourself if it is needed to be translated or not (maybe someone wish to say his opinion on this issue?).
I think it should be translatable, since as focus said "all controls are pretty intuitive", so its obvious how to change language since there is a button with country flags. BUT I think the languages themselves should NOT be translated in language selection, as in - each language should be represented in their own language perhaps, because if person changes language to a language they cannot understand they would have to go through all the languages to get the language they can understand. For example: English Русский
More and more Russian people around xD
State: new→opened
version 1.7.0u1 was released. this was implemented
State: opened→upgraded
Thanks, looks great!
State: upgraded→closed