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#260 Export FLA: labels issues
Author: user focus
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: FLA export
State: closed Help

Please, try to export FLA from attached swf. Then go to the Symbol 6 and take a look at the labels on Layer 2. You can see there are only 2 labels: phone-over and phone-down and last frame have no label. But originally there are 3 labels: phone-up, phone-over and phone-down at 1,2,3 frames. Looks like all labels were shifted left (error in frame indexes probably?). And labels would look much better on separate layer (as on-frame AS). I attached original FLA for your reference.
Download~data.swf (8 KiB)Downloadfla.7z (8 KiB)
Oh, and Symbol 17 have really weird labels duplication!
State: new→opened
version 1.7.0 was released this should be fixed, try it labels also have separate layer
State: opened→upgraded
Looks great, thanks!
State: upgraded→closed