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#250 Export FLA: Static text spacing and marigins are not restored.

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: FLA export
State: closed 

Try to Export FLA from attached swf file and look at the last static field. It should have
such paragraph settings:
But I see standard default settings instead.

State: new→opened
version 1.7.0 was released
this was improved, try it
State: opened→upgraded
It is much better, but still not fixed now..
I see this paragraph settings: http://i.imgur.com/N9TJBKf.png
Left margin looks strange - if I select that field and change it to 1 I'll see how text
moves to the left. Looks like it have some value, but Flash IDE can't recognize it.
And line spacing a little bit bigger - it should be 19 (but it exports as 21).

State: upgraded→returned
Any news on it?
Any news on it?
Try newest nightly build.
I think the line spacing is ok now.
But for the margin vs spacing:
From SWF text data we cannot distinguish betwenn normal carriage returns and those added
when you narrow the text field. This means we cannot say whether it is
spacing(indentation) of first row or left margin to all rows. Result is: we decompile
everything as left margin.
Your IDE display "-" in place of margin because there exists multiple margins - one per
If you click the textfield and select first row, you will see margin of the first row,
select second row to see second row margin. The margin of first row is in fact the
original indentation but we can't be sure.
Yep, looks great now, thanks!
State: upgraded→closed