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#2389 SPL files fail to appear when choosing files
Author: user ruby9
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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State: new Help

when you click 'open' and try to find a .spl file to select, it does not appear and you cannot select it. .SPL files are from the first version of macromedia flash (actually, Future Splash Animator) and are able to be found by flash player 32, by Ruffle, and others. If you change the filename from [example].spl to [example].swf , then FFDEC can then see it and its files. I made an example spl and have included the spa (similar to fla). I hope you will add detection for .spa and creation export format of .spa files. thank you. (2 KiB)
In nightly 3021 I added support for SPL extension to open/save dialogs. Creation (Exporting) of the SPA file will be harder task, currently we support FLA from Flash 5 onwards. I will think about it...
thank you very much. I appreciate your consideration