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#2377 Is it possible to unzip a flash file that was converted to a screenserver?
Author: user Danylo
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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State: opened Help

I recently encountered a problem extracting data from a flash file that was converted to a screenserver, most likely using the flashforge program or SWF To Screensaver program. but it's interesting that a flash file that was converted to .exe can be opened....
In FFDec you can either 1) open .zip file which contains .swf files or 2) open any file (including .exe) and search its binary data for SWF files ('F','W','S' header, etc.) FFDec cannot open SWFs which are part of EXE files for example in cases where the SWF header is compressed or encoded with any other method than raw bytes. FFDec searches for 'F','W','S' or 'C','W','S' signature and when it cannot find it, then no SWF can be opened. Screensaver is regular EXE file with just .SCR extension. If it contains valid SWF header, FFDec should open it, otherwise it stays unrecognized. I don't plan any other detection beyond searching for the header. If your screensaver cannot be opened by FFDec, then the SWF inside is somehow encoded.
State: new→opened
Typically 7zip should be able to open/extract it, at least I managed to open every flash screensaver with it so far.