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#2373 AS2 Code Limitation
Author: user Ner
Date created:
Type: question
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State: opened Help

Is there a way to increase or remove that kind of limitation?
This limit cannot be removed, it is by design. Imagine an if instuction - ActionIf, it has a 16 bit signed value as an argument - the number of bytes to jump if the expression evaluates to true. if (1 == 2) { [code A] } [code after if] Compiles to P-code as: Push 1 Push 2 ActionEquals ActionIf +10 [code A, 10 bytes length] target: [code after if] The value of +10 here is the offset, it cannot be more than 32 767, because that's the limit of signed 16bit value. SWF format has fixed limit of offsets, which requires it to be 16bit. In ActionScript3, the offset if 24bit which is more and usually does not cause any problems. In AS1/2, it causes problems. FFDec does not allow to save larger values than 16bit in AS1/2, and produces this error message. On the other hand, for example Flash CS6 editor does not produce any warning on SWF generation in such cases, but the code will be corrupted. See Ghost challenge: To avoid this kind of warning, you can: - make shorter if-else clauses - make shorter functions, split them into smaller ones Unfortunately, FFDec won't tell you which function/if is the problematic one, but you can experiment. This problem can even happen on the code which you did not modify at all, because FFDec compiler could produce code with different length than official compiler.
State: new→opened