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#2369 Way to reset the origin point of Display Rectangle after resize?
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Is there a way to reset the origin point of the display rectangle after it is resized? I have been making widescreen adjustments to several .swf files and accurately moving objects is difficult as transforming them to 0, 0 places them all over the display rectangle.
I am reading the description again and again and I am not sure I understand fully what you want. Could you provide some screenshot/drawing of what the desired feature should do? Or maybe just reword the description you wrote (?).
I apologize. I will try to be more specific. I am making widescreen conversions for many .swf files and the first step is to always change the dimensions of the display rectangle within the header (for example: changing values from 1280x720 to 1720x720). The display rectangle always updates and changes to the appropriate size, but its behavior is not always as expected. Sometimes it expands from the left in relation to the original (0,0) point, or top left corner. Sometimes it expands from the right. The coordinate system does not update however when this change is made. The top left corner of the display rectangle in many cases in no longer at (0,0), but at (-440,0). Having the ability to update the coordinates and have those new values reflected in the transform tool fields would be very helpful. What I've also noticed is that the coordinate values on an object (specifically in the move translation options) do not update when changing or selecting a different transformation point. It would be very helpful to add this functionality similar to the way photoshop and illustrator does. I will send screenshots for the first the observation soon when I run into that scenario again. The screenshots included here are how the transform values change when changing the transformation point in illustrator to demonstrate the desired behavior in the second paragraph.