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#2348 FLA Export - CS4 export, Flash Pro CS4 fails to open the FLA file "Unexpected file format."

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: Old FLA formats
State: closed 

You know the stuff, I export a gfx to FLA as CS4 format, it doesn't open in Flash Pro CS4
"Unexpected file format.".
Same in every version I've tried that has CS4 export including (but not limited) to some
nightly builds.
Not important but I've originally tried to export the gfx to CS4 because file metadata
says it's written in CS4.
I attached the gfx file and FLA just in case.

This should be fixed in nightly 2962.
State: new→upgraded
FLA now opens in CS4 but font is broken in both CS6 and CS4 FLAs. Seems to be a linkage
and sharing issue.

Please try nightly 2963, it should be better.
Oh yeah it works perfectly now, both CS4 and CS6 exports of the FLA are perfect far as
I've seen.
Ok, that's great. I am closing this.
State: upgraded→closed