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#2337 Replace selected shapes with a shape

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Shapes
State: closed 

hope you are in goood health, i want to replace multiple shapes with the same shape in my
computer, using replace or replace-update bounds.
secondly, i was wondering if there is already a way to use an existing shape to replace
another shape? if so what is it?
thank you very much
you can replace first shape from file on you computer,
then you can right click on the other shapes (only one-by-one) and select "Replace
references with other character ID" and select first character in the dialog.
I think this is what you search for.
honestly i have multiple shapes i want to replace by one shape in my computer so i need to
repeate this process for every swf (around 500 swf about math) so i need a quick way which
is select all shapes in the active swf them replace all at once (not one by one) this will
speed my work over 3 times if there is 4 shapes etc.. honnestly i don't understand very
well IDs and tags so i want to do it with easy naive way
Hmm, then I recommend to do this with the library.
If you know Java, you can write a program that uses our library,
opens all the SWFs and replaces all the shapes.
thanks for suggestion but no background programming so that is hard for me, what i want is
to do for the active swf is: select manually the shapes then with 'one' replace all
selected shapes will get affected (currently the context menu shows the operrator
'replace' while selecting multiple shapes and after doing the action only the first one
get replaced ). if this doable i'll appreciate it.
I checked again and it seems that there is a way to replace multiple shapes with single
file from disk.
You just select multiple shapes from the tree, right click and select "Replace" or
"Replace - update bounds".
And for the question "is there way to use existing shape to replace another shape"
- there is "Replace references with other character ID", which will look for every place
where the shape is used and replace its usage with another shape. That's why I recommended
it to you. Unfortunately, this does not allow multiselection.
yes it does exist but not working as expected because only one of selected shapes get
replaced not all selected. so it it a bug?
i found replace is working but replace-update bounds is only replace the first selected
not all selected hpe it get fixed by your magic
There is no need to create new issue for the same topic. You did it again.
I am closing this one as duplicate. (in favor of #2339)
State: new→closed