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#2330 ffdec-cli doesn't respect current working directory
Author: user phantasm
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed Help

When I try to set any file argument for ffdec-cli.exe, it fails to read/write it. For instance, i get "File not found" error when doing this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FFDec\ffdec-cli.exe" -swf2xml in.swf out.xml If I use full file names (like C:\files\in.swf), all is OK. I was expecting ffdec-cli.exe to use current working the majority of all other command line tools or earlier versions of FFDec (20.1.0 worked as expected) > What version of the product are you using? Is it "nightly build"? Which operating system do you have? 21.1.0
We use Launch5j program for the EXE files. I created an issue in their issue tracker about this two days ago: We will hope that they fix it soon...
This is fixed in nightly 2937, try it. The author of Launch5j provided a fix.
State: new→upgraded
seems to work fine now, many thanks!
You're welcome!
State: upgraded→closed