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#2316 Stack Underflow when editing AS file with multiple classes

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: AS3Direct Editation
State: closed 

> What steps will reproduce the problem?
Download the attached file and go to simulation.ninja.Ragdoll, press Edit ActionScript,
add a spacebar, and press save.
> What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Expected is everything works like before. Instead when opening the swf with flash there is
an error:
VerifyError: Error #1024: Stack underflow occurred.
There are two additional classes (RagParticle and RagStick) at the bottom of Ragdoll that
are probably what's bugging it out.

This is fixed in nightly 2909.
State: new→upgraded
No more error, thanks!
You're welcome.
Feel free to report any new errors!
State: upgraded→closed