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#225 AS1/2 object literal does not permit quotes in names

Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
Labels: AS1/2
State: closed 

Please look at the mx.core.UIObject class.
It will not compile back:
UIObject.as, Line 81 Identifier expected
Line itself:
Originally: https://code.google.com/p/diggflashdevkit/source/browse/trunk/trunk/as2/source/mx/core/UIO
State: new→opened
Title: AS2 Decompilation error→AS object literal broken with ternar operator
Title: AS2 Decompilation error→AS object literal broken with ternar operator
Version 1.6.6 was released.
This should be fixed, try it.
State: opened→upgraded
State: upgraded→returned
State: returned→opened
Title: AS object literal broken with ternar operator→AS1/2 object literal does not permit quotes in names
Title: AS object literal broken with ternar operator→AS1/2 object literal does not permit quotes in names
version 1.6.7 released
it should be fixed, try it
State: opened→upgraded
Yeah, fixed! Thanks!
State: upgraded→closed