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#2246 Need Help Creating File Related to DefineBitsLossless2
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Type: question
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Labels: SymbolClass
State: closed Help

Like seen in the Image linked , A file is linked to DefineBitsLossless2s I have figured out how to rename DefineBitsLossless2s but I have not figured out how to create and add the code related to this image If anyone has a solution it would help a lot Thanks in advance
You can add classes with right click menu on scripts node or a package - see attachment. Then you press "Edit ActionScript" to modify your class to properly extend BitmapAsset, etc... The [Embed] metadata on the top of the class is created automatically when you link a symbol to a class using SymbolClass tag.
Downloadaddclass.png (17 KiB)
State: new→opened
How do I link a symbol to a class using SymbolClass tag ? Is it the SymbolClass tag ? , if so what does the UI16 = (number) correspond to ?
SymbolClass tag maps Symbols (so called Characters) to Classes. Each Character has its characterId - in your screenshot, its 133.
In nightly 2819, there is a shortcut for this called "Set AS linkage" - it is available from context menu of character tags.
State: opened→closed