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#224 Translation: Swedish

Date created:
Type: other
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:

Labels: Translation
State: opened 

So I have had some time to translate your awesome tool to Swedish.
I hope everything should be correct translated. If there is some misspellings I hope they
can always report it to the site.

Oh, And I guess I forgot that my nickname is capasha, cap is just a small piece of it.
Forgot the correct language code. se should be sv.
Hi, thank you for the translation,
in new version, there will be some font related features, so if you could translate also
following strings (MainFrame.properties):
#since version 1.6.6:
font.name = Font name:
font.isbold = Is bold:
font.isitalic = Is italic:
font.ascent = Ascent:
font.descent = Descent:
font.leading = Leading:
font.characters = Characters:
font.characters.add = Add characters:
value.unknown = ?
I leave this issue opened so I can contact you whenever new strings need to be translated
to Swedish.
State: new→opened
And next easy one:
yes = yes
no = no
font.name = Typsnitts namn:
font.isbold = Är fet:
font.isitalic = Är kursiv:
font.ascent = Stigande:
font.descent = Nedstigande:
font.leading = Ledande:
font.characters = Bokstäver:
font.characters.add = Lägg till bokstäver:
value.unknown = ?
yes = ja
no = nej
Title: Swedish translation of ffdec→Translation: Swedish
Titel: Svensk översättning av ffdec → Översättning: Svenska
No, no, this was only change to the title of this issue :-).
I renamed all translation issues to have same pattern "Translation: Language"
Version 1.6.6 was released.
Swedish translation is included.
(I leave this issue opened for new strings in the future)
Found out two issues in the language that I translated. It didn't match how it was
supposed to be. These two is fixed.

version 1.6.6u1 was released
Changes you posted were implemented.
Please download new localization pack to translate new strings.
These files are updated:
Note: There is some additional code in .properties files for jsyntaxpane/*, please do not
modify it. This is how JSyntaxPanes Syntaxkits configuration is stored.
Please download locale pack for 1.6.6u2,
I have accidentally uploaded wrong zip as for 1.6.6u1 lang pack.
There will be new strings in next release, (MainFrame.properties)
so if you could be so kind:
#after version 1.6.6u2:
FileChooser.detailsViewActionLabel.textAndMnemonic = Details
FileChooser.detailsViewButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic = Details
FileChooser.fileAttrHeader.textAndMnemonic = Attributes
FileChooser.fileDateHeader.textAndMnemonic = Modified
FileChooser.fileNameHeader.textAndMnemonic = Name
FileChooser.fileNameLabel.textAndMnemonic = File name:
FileChooser.fileSizeHeader.textAndMnemonic = Size
FileChooser.fileTypeHeader.textAndMnemonic = Type
FileChooser.filesOfTypeLabel.textAndMnemonic = Files of type:
FileChooser.folderNameLabel.textAndMnemonic = Folder name:
FileChooser.homeFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic = Home
FileChooser.listViewActionLabel.textAndMnemonic = List
FileChooser.listViewButtonToolTip.textAndMnemonic = List
FileChooser.lookInLabel.textAndMnemonic = Look in:
FileChooser.newFolderActionLabel.textAndMnemonic = New Folder
FileChooser.newFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic = Create New Folder
FileChooser.refreshActionLabel.textAndMnemonic = Refresh
FileChooser.saveInLabel.textAndMnemonic = Save in:
FileChooser.upFolderToolTip.textAndMnemonic = Up One Level
FileChooser.viewMenuButtonAccessibleName = View Menu
FileChooser.viewMenuButtonToolTipText = View Menu
FileChooser.viewMenuLabel.textAndMnemonic = View
FileChooser.newFolderActionLabelText = New Folder
FileChooser.listViewActionLabelText = List
FileChooser.detailsViewActionLabelText = Details
FileChooser.refreshActionLabelText = Refresh
FileChooser.sortMenuLabelText = Arrange Icons By
FileChooser.viewMenuLabelText = View
FileChooser.fileSizeKiloBytes = {0} KB
FileChooser.fileSizeMegaBytes = {0} MB
FileChooser.fileSizeGigaBytes = {0} GB
FileChooser.folderNameLabelText = Folder name:
The filechooser one is finished. I will fix the other ones tomorrow. I don't have so much
time on me just now. Need to move from hospital and my home.

Take your time, there is no hurry.
ErrorlogFrame and MainFrame finished. I just need to fix jsyntaxpane/* tomorrow.

There are still 2 strings missing in your MainFrame:
errors.present = There are ERRORS in the log. Click to view.
errors.none = There are no errors in the log
And here are new strings from next version:
error.occured = Error occured : %error%
button.abort = Abort
button.retry = Retry
button.ignore = Ignore
errors.present = Det finns FEL i loggen. Klicka f\u00f6r att visa.
errors.none = Det finns inga fel i loggen
error.occured = Ett fel uppstod : %error%
button.abort = Avbryt
button.retry = F\u00f6rs\u00f6k igen
button.ignore = Ignorera

Thank you very much, here is next one:
font.source = Source Font:
font.source = Typsnitts k\u00e4lla:
#after version 1.6.7:
menu.export = Export
menu.general = General
menu.language = Language
startup.welcometo = Welcome to
startup.selectopen = Click open icon on the top panel or drag SWF file to this window to
error.font.nocharacter = Selected source font does not contain character "%char%".
next one:
warning.initializers = WARNING:\nStatic fields and consts are often initialized in
initializers.\nEditing value here is usually not enough!
in AboutDialog:
contributors = Contributors:
menu.export = Exportera
menu.general = Allmänt
menu.language = Språk start.
welcometo = Välkommen till
startup.selectopen = Klicka på ikonen Öppna på den övre panelen eller dra SWF-filen
till fönstret för att starta.
error.font.nocharacter = Vald teckensnitt-källa innehåller inte bokstav "%char%".
warning.initializers = VARNING:\nStatiska fält och consts initieras i initierare
ofta.\nRedigera värdet här är oftast inte tillräckligt!
in AboutDialog:
contributors = Bidragande:
I must ask one question. By "ignore Case" you mean Ignore case sensitive?
If so I need to update some of my translations.
"ignore Case" means "Case insensitive" so that "A" equals "a" while searching.
checkbox.ignorecase = ignorera stora/små bokstäver
Needs to be updated.
New Strings (SelectLanguageDialog):
#after version 1.7.0:
# This language name translated (e. g. Čeština for Czech,...)
language = English
language.label = Language:
dialog.title = Select language
language = Engelska
language.label = Språk:
dialog.title = Välj språk
language should be probably "Svensk", correct?
Engelska is english I think.
language = Svenska, and not Engelska.
Thanks for the fixes.
There is one mistake:
info.selecttrait = Välj klass och klicka på en egenskap i Actionskript källan f\u00fr
att redigera den
The unicode escape is wrong, it should be 4 hexanumbers prefixed with \u, but there is
#after version 1.7.0u1:
menu.tools.searchmemory = Search SWFs in memory
+attached file

In ErrorLogFrame:
#after version 1.7.0u1:
clear = Clear
Please subscribe to issue #354,
I will post new strings there.
(Place translated strings here as previously)
f\u00fr should be för, I don't know the correct hex for that.
#after version 1.7.0u1:
clear = Rensa
menu.file.reload = Ladda om
message.confirm.reload = Denna åtgärd avbryter alla ändringar som inte sparats och
laddar om SWF filen igen.\nVill du fortsätta?
dialog.selectcolor.title = Välj bakgrundsfärg för SWF display
button.selectcolor.hint = Välj bakgrundsfärg
ColorChooser.okText = Acceptera
ColorChooser.cancelText = Avbryt
ColorChooser.resetText = Återställ
ColorChooser.previewText = Förhandsvisning
ColorChooser.swatchesNameText = Färgrutor
ColorChooser.swatchesRecentText = Nyligen:
ColorChooser.sampleText=Exempel Text Exempel Text
you forgot "menu.tools.searchmemory = Search SWFs in memory", please
menu.tools.searchmemory = Sök efter SWFs i minnet
#after version 1.7.1:
preview.play = Spela
preview.pause = Pausa
preview.stop = Stoppa
message.confirm.removemultiple = Är du säker på att du vill ta bort %count% objekt\n
och alla andra objekt som är beroende av objektet?
menu.tools.searchcache = Sök i webbläsarens cache
#after version 1.7.1:
button.save = Spara

after version 1.7.2u2
error.trait.exists = Egenskap med namnet "%name%" finns redan.
button.addtrait = Lägg till egenskap
button.font.embed = Inbädda...
button.yes.all = Ja till alla
button.no.all = Nej till alla
message.font.add.exists = Tecken %char% finns redan i typsnitts tag:en.\nVill du ersätta
range.description = %name% (%available% av %total% tecken)
dialog.title = typsnitts inbäddning
label.individual = Enskilda tecken:
type.method = Metod
type.getter = Getter
type.setter = Setter
type.const = Const
type.slot = Slot (var)
checkbox.static = Static
dialog.title = Ny egenskap
error.name = Du måste välja ett egenskaps namn
filter.gfx = ScaleForm GFx filer (*.gfx)
filter.supported = Alla filtyper som stöds (*.swf, *.gfx)
actionscript.pcode = P-code
actionscript.pcodehex = P-code med Hex
actionscript.hex = Hex
work.canceled = Avbruten
menu.advancedsettings.advancedsettings = Avancerade Inställningar
menu.recentFiles = Senaste Filerna
advancedSettings.restartConfirmation = Du måste starta om programmet för att vissa
ändringar ska träda i kraft. Vill du starta om det nu?
Assigned: →

cap: May i set this issue to public, or at least "developer only"? I can't see any text or
attachment, which should be private.
Summary of the current translation state.
The following texts/files are not translated:
sv: Property not found in resource file: MainFrame, property: contextmenu.closeSwf
sv: Property not found in resource file: MainFrame, property: filter.exe
sv: Property not found in resource file: MainFrame, property:
sv: Property not found in resource file: MainFrame, property: menu.file.saveasexe
sv: Property not found in resource file: MainFrame, property:
sv: Property not found in resource file: MainFrame, property:
sv: Property not found in resource file: MainFrame, property: startup.welcometo
sv: Property not found in resource file: MainFrame, property: work.restoringControlFlow
sv: Property not found in resource file: MainFrame, property:
Visibility: Admin only→Everybody
#after version 1.7.4
work.restoringControlFlow.complete = Reglerings flöde återställt
message.confirm.recentFileNotFound = Filen hittades inte. Vill du ta bort den från
senaste filer?
contextmenu.closeSwf = Stäng SWF
menu.settings.autoRenameIdentifiers = byt namn Automatisk på identifierare
menu.file.saveasexe = Spara som Exe...
filter.exe = Körbara filer (*.exe)
startup.welcometo = Välkommen till
This one isn't added at all:
menu.advancedsettings.advancedsettings = Avancerade Inställningar
It's still "Advanced Settings".
Thank you, fixed.
#after version 1.8.0
font.updateTexts = Uppdatera texter
#after version 1.8.0u1
menu.file.close = Stäng
menu.file.closeAll = Stäng alla
menu.tools.otherTools = Annat
menu.tools.otherTools.clearRecentFiles = Rensa senaste filer
fontName.name = Typsnitt visningsnamn:
fontName.copyright = Typsnitt Upphovsrätt:
button.preview = Förhandsgranska
button.reset = Återställ
errors.info = Det är information i loggen. Klicka för att visa.
errors.warning = Det är varningar i loggen. Klicka för att visa..
decompilationError = Dekompilering felmeddelande
decompilationError.timeout = Timeout ({0}) nåddes
decompilationError.timeout.description = Dekompilerades inte pågrund av en timeout
decompilationError.obfuscated = Koden kan vara obfuskerad
decompilationError.errorType = Fel typ
decompilationError.error.description = Ej dekompilerad pågrund av fel
#example: 1 hour and 2 minutes
timeFormat.and = och
timeFormat.hour = timme
timeFormat.hours = timmar
timeFormat.minute = minut
timeFormat.minutes = minuter
timeFormat.second = sekund
timeFormat.seconds = sekunder
advancedSettings.dialog.title = Avancerade Inställningar
advancedSettings.columns.name = Namn
advancedSettings.columns.value = Värde
advancedSettings.columns.description = Beskrivning
default = standard
disassemblingProgress.toString = toString
disassemblingProgress.reading = Läser
disassemblingProgress.deobfuscating = Deobfuskering
decompilation.skipped = Dekompilering skippades
decompilation.unsupported = stöds inte utav dekompileraren
decompilerMark = markera dekompilerare
open.error = Fel
open.error.fileNotFound = Filen kunde inte hittas
open.error.cannotOpen = Kan inte öppna filen
column.version = Version
column.fileSize = Filstorlek
column.pid = PID
column.processName = Process Namn
fontNotFound = Typsnitt med id=%fontId% hittades inte.
contextmenu.moveTag = Flytta tag till
filter.swc = SWC komponent filer (*.swc)
filter.zip = ZIP komprimerade filer (*.zip)
filter.binary = Binär sökning - alla filer (*.*)
fontPreview.dialog.title = förhandsvisning utav Typsnitt
checkbox.searchText = Sök i texter
checkbox.searchAS = sök i AS
dialog.title = Text Sökning
open.error = Fel
open.error.fileNotFound = Filen hittades inte
open.error.cannotOpen = Kan inte öppna filen
node.others = andra
#after version 1.8.1
menu.tools.search = Text Sökning
which one is the correct?
open.error.fileNotFound = Filen kunde inte hittas
open.error.fileNotFound = Filen hittades inte
dialog title should be started with upppercased letter, can i write this text starting
with uppercased F letter?
fontPreview.dialog.title = förhandsvisning utav Typsnitt
open.error.fileNotFound = Filen hittades inte
fontPreview.dialog.title = Förhandsvisning utav Typsnitt
Should be correct.
#after version 1.8.1u1
menu.tools.timeline = Tidslinje
dialog.selectcolor.title = Välj färg
button.selectcolor.hint = Klicka för att välja färg
#default item name, will be used in following sentences
generictag.array.item = artikel
generictag.array.insertbeginning = Infoga %item% vid början
generictag.array.insertbefore = Infoga %item% före
generictag.array.remove = Tabort %item%
generictag.array.insertafter = Infoga %item% efter
generictag.array.insertend = Infoga %item% vid slutet
#after version 2.0.0
contextmenu.expandAll = Expandera alla
binaryData.truncateWarning = %count% bytes truncated.
filter.sounds = Stödjande ljudformat (*.wav, *.mp3)
filter.sounds.wav = Wave filformat (*.wav)
filter.sounds.mp3 = MP3 komprimerat format (*.mp3)
error.sound.invalid = Ogiltigt ljud.
button.prev = Föregående
button.next = Nästa
#after version 2.1.0
message.action.playerglobal.title = PlayerGlobal bibliotek behövs
message.action.playerglobal.needed = För ActionScript 3 direkt redigering, behövs ett
bibliotek som kallas "PlayerGlobal.swc" det behövs laddas ned från Adobe's
hemsida.\r\n%adobehomepage%\r\nKlicka på okej för att gå till nerladdningssidan.
message.action.playerglobal.place = Ladda ned biblioteket som kallas PlayerGlobal(.swc),
och placera det i katalogen\r\n%libpath%\r\n Klica okej för att fortsätta.
message.confirm.experimental.function = Denna funktion är experimenterande. Det menas att
du inte ska lita på resultaten och SWF-filen kan bli ej fungerande efter sparning.
message.confirm.donotshowagain = Visa inte igen
menu.import = Importera
menu.file.import.text = Importera text
import.select.directory = Välj kategori som du vill importera
error.text.import = Fel uppstod under text importering. Vill du fortsätta?
#after version 2.1.1
contextmenu.removeWithDependencies = Bort med beroenden
abc.action.find-usages = Hitta användningar
abc.action.find-declaration = Hitta förklaring
button.goto = Gå till
button.close = Stäng
dialog.title = Sökresultat: %text%
dialog.title.declaration = Förklaring:

Please translate the following texts (You can skip AdvancedSettings if it is too much):
AboutDialog, property: translators=Translators:
AboutDialog, property: developers.others=+ others from GitHub and Google code
AboutDialog, property: developers=Developers:
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.overrideTextExportFileName=You can
customite the filename of the expoted text. Use {filename} placeholder to use the filename
of current SWF.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showCloseConfirmation=Show again SWF
close confirmation for modified files.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showTraitSavedMessage=Show again
trait saved message
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.description.import=Configuration of
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.textImportResizeTextBoundsMode=Text bounds
resize mode
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.getLocalNamesFromDebugInfo=AS3: Get local
register names from debug info
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.showCloseConfirmation=Show again SWF close
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.debuggerPort=Debugger port
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.showCodeSavedMessage=Show again code saved
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.lastDebuggerReplaceFunction=Function
name which was last selected in replace trace function with debugger
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.showTraitSavedMessage=Show again trait saved
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.useHexColorFormat=Hex color format
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.displayDebuggerInfo=(Internal) Display
debugger info
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.autoLoadEmbeddedSwfs=Automaticaly
load the embedded SWFs from DefineBinaryData tags.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.debuggerPort=Port used for socket
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.export.zoom=(Internal) Export zoom
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.useHexColorFormat=Show the colors in
hex format
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.tagTreeShowEmptyFolders=Show empty
folders in tag tree.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.showOldTextDuringTextEditing=Show old text
during text editing
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.textImportResizeTextBoundsMode=Text
bounds resize mode after text editing.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.dumpView=Dump View
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.getLocalNamesFromDebugInfo=If debug
info present, renames local registers from _loc_x_ to real names. This can be turned off
because some obfuscators use invalid register names there.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showCodeSavedMessage=Show again code
saved message
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.lzmaFastBytes=LZMA fast bytes (valid values:
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.randomDebuggerPackage=This renames
Debugger package to random string which makes debugger presence harder to detect by
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.displayDebuggerInfo=Display info
about debugger before switching it
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.updateProxyAddress=Http Proxy address for
checking updates
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.dumpView=View raw data dump
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.overrideTextExportFileName=Override text
export filename
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.deobfuscationMode=Deobfuscation mode
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.export.zoom=Last used export zoom
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.randomDebuggerPackage=Use random package
name for Debugger
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showMethodBodyId=Shows the id of the
methodbody for commandline import
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.updateProxyAddress=Http Proxy address
for checking updates. Format: example.com:8080
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.pluginPath=Plugin Path
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.showMethodBodyId=Show method body id
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.deobfuscationMode=Run deobfuscation
on every file before ActionScript decompilation
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.group.name.import=Import
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.showOldTextDuringTextEditing=Shows
the original text of the text tag with gray color in the preview area.
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.lastDebuggerReplaceFunction=(Internal) Last
selected trace replacement
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.tagTreeShowEmptyFolders=Show empty folders
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.pluginPath=-
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.description.lzmaFastBytes=Fast bytes parameter of
the LZMA encoder
AdvancedSettingsDialog, property: config.name.autoLoadEmbeddedSwfs=Auto load embedded
DebugLogDialog, property: dialog.title=Debugger Log
DebugLogDialog, property: msg.header=connection %clientid%:
DebugLogDialog, property: button.close=Close
DebugLogDialog, property: button.clear=Clear
ExportDialog, property: zoom.invalid=Invalid zoom value.
ExportDialog, property: frames.bmp=BMP
ExportDialog, property: frames.png=PNG
ExportDialog, property: frames.canvas=HTML5 Canvas
ExportDialog, property: frames.svg=SVG
ExportDialog, property: frames.avi=AVI
ExportDialog, property: zoom.percent=%
ExportDialog, property: fonts.ttf=TTF
ExportDialog, property: frames.pdf=PDF
ExportDialog, property: binaryData=Binary data
ExportDialog, property: frames=Frames
ExportDialog, property: sounds.mp3_wav=MP3/WAV
ExportDialog, property: shapes.canvas=HTML5 Canvas
ExportDialog, property: binaryData.raw=Raw
ExportDialog, property: morphshapes.gif=GIF
ExportDialog, property: morphshapes.canvas=HTML5 Canvas
ExportDialog, property: fonts.woff=WOFF
ExportDialog, property: morphshapes=Morphshapes
ExportDialog, property: fonts=Fonts
ExportDialog, property: zoom=Zoom
ExportDialog, property: frames.gif=GIF
ExportDialog, property: sounds.wav=WAV
ExportDialog, property: morphshapes.svg=SVG
ExportDialog, property: texts.svg=SVG
FontEmbedDialog, property: ttffile.selection=TTF file: %fontname% (%filename%)
FontEmbedDialog, property: installed=Installed:
FontEmbedDialog, property: error.invalidfontfile=Invalid font file
FontEmbedDialog, property: filter.ttf=True Type Font files (*.ttf)
FontEmbedDialog, property: button.loadfont=Load font from disk...
FontEmbedDialog, property: allcharacters=All characters (%available% characters)
FontEmbedDialog, property: ttffile.noselection=TTF file: <select>
FontEmbedDialog, property: error.cannotreadfontfile=Cannot read font file
MainFrame, property: work.restoringControlFlow=Restoring control flow
MainFrame, property: preview.prevframe=Previous frame
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.jumpToCharacter=Jump to character
MainFrame, property: button.snapshot.hint=Take snapshot into clipboard
MainFrame, property: menu.debugger=Debugger
MainFrame, property: header.version=SWF Version:
MainFrame, property: preview.nextframe=Next frame
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.parseInstructions=Parse AVM2 Instructions
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.addTag=Add tag
MainFrame, property: message.confirm.closeAll=There are unsaved changes. Do you really
want to close all SWFs?
MainFrame, property: filter.xml=XML
MainFrame, property: deobfuscation.comment.failed=Deobfuscation is activated but
decompilation still failed. If the file is NOT obfuscated, disable "Automatic
deobfucation" for better results.
MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe.dialog.title=Goto frame
MainFrame, property: menu.settings.dumpView=Dump view
MainFrame, property: header.displayrect=Display rect:
MainFrame, property: message.confirm.close=There are unsaved changes. Do you really want
to close {swfName}?
MainFrame, property: button.zoomin.hint=Zoom in
MainFrame, property: button.setAdvanceValues=Set advance values
MainFrame, property: header.displayrect.value.pixels=%xmin%,%ymin% => %xmax%,%ymax%
MainFrame, property: menu.debugger.showlog=Show Log
MainFrame, property: font.name.intag=Font name in tag:
MainFrame, property: menu.file.deobfuscation.old=Old style
MainFrame, property: deobfuscation.comment.tryenable=Tip: You can try enabling "Automatic
deobfucation" in Settings
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.rawEdit=Raw edit
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.parseABC=Parse ABC
MainFrame, property: header.framerate=Frame rate:
MainFrame, property: button.zoomfit.hint=Zoom to fit
MainFrame, property: header.displayrect.value.twips=%xmin%,%ymin% => %xmax%,%ymax% twips
MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe=Goto frame...
MainFrame, property: binarydata.swfInside=It looks like there is SWF inside this binary
data tag. Click here to load it as subtree.
MainFrame, property: menu.tools.replace=Text Replace
MainFrame, property: header.signature=Signature:
MainFrame, property: menu.debugger.replacetrace=Replace trace calls
MainFrame, property: menu.debugger.switch=Debugger
MainFrame, property: header.framecount=Frame count:
MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe.dialog.frame.error=Invalid frame number. It must be
number between %min% and %max%.
MainFrame, property: button.zoomnone.hint=Zoom to 1:1
MainFrame, property: menu.view=View
MainFrame, property: header.compression.zlib=ZLIB
MainFrame, property: menu.deobfuscation=AS1/2 Deobfuscation
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.importSwfXml=Import SWF XML
MainFrame, property: menu.file.view.resources=Resources
MainFrame, property: error.text.invalid.continue=Invalid text: %text% on line %line%. Do
you want to continue?
MainFrame, property: fit=fit
MainFrame, property: header.compression.lzma=LZMA
MainFrame, property: message.debugger=This SWF Debugger can only be used to print messages
to log window, browser console or alerts.
It is NOT designed for features like step code, breakpoints etc.
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.parseActions=Parse actions
MainFrame, property: preview.gotoframe.dialog.message=Enter frame number (%min% - %max%)
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.exportSwfXml=Export SWF as XML
MainFrame, property: header.compression.none=No compression
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.saveToFile=Save to File
MainFrame, property: node.header=header
MainFrame, property: button.zoomout.hint=Zoom out
MainFrame, property: header.compression=Compression:
MainFrame, property: menu.file.view.hex=Hex dump
MainFrame, property: header.filesize=File size:
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.copyTag=Copy tag to
MainFrame, property: editorTruncateWarning=Text truncated at position %chars% in debug
MainFrame, property: header.gfx=GFX:
MainFrame, property: menu.file.deobfuscation.new=New style
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.openswfinside=Open SWF inside
MainFrame, property: contextmenu.exportJavaSource=Export Java Source
ReplaceTraceDialog, property: dialog.title=Replace Trace function calls
ReplaceTraceDialog, property: function.debugConsole=debugConsole - web browser javascript
ReplaceTraceDialog, property: function.debugAlert=debugAlert - web browser javascript
ReplaceTraceDialog, property: function.debugSocket=debugSocket - socket connection to the
SearchDialog, property: label.replacementtext=Replacement text:
SearchDialog, property: checkbox.replaceInParameters=Replace in parameters
SearchDialog, property: dialog.title.replace=Text replace
ProxyFrame, property: column.url=URL
ProxyFrame, property: copy.url=Copy URL
ProxyFrame, property: column.size=Size
ProxyFrame, property: error.save.as=Cannot save file
ProxyFrame, property: error.start.server=Cannot start server on port %port%. Please check
if port is not blocked by other application.
ProxyFrame, property: error.replace=Cannot replace data
ProxyFrame, property: column.accessed=Accessed
ProxyFrame, property: save.as=Save as...
ProxyFrame, property: replace=Replace...
Can you please upload this as a document? I need to make newlines everytime i translate.
Isn't there misspelling in this one "You can customite the filename of the expoted text.
Use {filename} placeholder to use the filename of current SWF." shouldn't "customite" be
customize and "expoted" exported? Or are I'm wrong?
Thank you, I fixed it. I've attached the file, but you can create this list if you follow
the steps written in #354
Or you can copy the text with new line characters from the email notification.. It works

#after version 4.1.0
contextmenu.undo = Ångra
text.align.left = Vänster justering
text.align.right = Höger justering
text.align.center = Mitt justering
text.align.justify = Rättfärdiga justering
text.undo = Ångra förändringar
menu.file.import.xml = Importera SWF XML
menu.file.export.xml = Exportera SWF XML
#after version 4.1.1
text.align.translatex.decrease = Minska TranslateX
text.align.translatex.increase = Öka TranslateX
selectPreviousTag = Välj föregående tagg
selectNextTag = Välj nästa tagg
button.ignoreAll = Ignorera Allt
symbolclass = Symbol Klass
symbolclass.csv = CSV
menu.file.import.symbolClass = Symbol Klass
config.name.showDebugMenu = Visa debugg meny
config.description.showDebugMenu = Visar debugg menyn i ribbon
JPEXS can you update the translation, when you have time.
The changes from your last messages were implemented few nightlys ago.
Or what do you mean by update translation?
config.name.editorMode = Ändrings Mode
config.description.editorMode = Gör text områden redigerbara automatiskt när du väljer
en Text eller en Skriptnod
config.name.autoSaveTagModifications = Spara automatiskt tag modifieringar
config.description.autoSaveTagModifications = Spara ändringarna när du väljer en ny tag
i trädvyn
config.name.saveSessionOnExit = Spara session vid avstängning
config.description.saveSessionOnExit = Spara den nuvarande sessionen och öppna igen efter
FFDEc omstart (fungerar bara med riktiga filer)
config.name.allowOnlyOneInstance = Tillåt bara en FFDec instans (Bara Windows OS)
config.description.allowOnlyOneInstance = FFDec kan sedan bara köras en gång, alla filer
som är öppnade vill bli tillagda till ett fönster. Det fungerar bara med Windows
operativ system.
config.name.scriptExportSingleFile = Exportera skript till en enda fil
config.description.scriptExportSingleFile = Exportera skript till en fil istället för
config.name.setFFDecVersionInExportedFont = Sätt FFDec version nummer i exporterat
config.description.setFFDecVersionInExportedFont = När den här inställningen är
avaktiverad, FFDec kommer inte att lägga till nuvarande FFDec version nummer till det
exporterade typsnittet.
config.name.gui.skin = Användargränssnitt Skinn
config.description.gui.skin = Utseende och känsla skinn
config.name.lastSessionData = Senast session information
config.description.lastSessionData = Innehåller dem öppnade filerna från senast
config.name.loopMedia = Upprepa ljud och sprites
config.description.loopMedia = Startar automatiskt om spelandet av ljud och sprites
config.name.gui.timeLineSplitPane.dividerLocationPercent = (Internal) TidsLinje plats
config.description.gui.timeLineSplitPane.dividerLocationPercent =
config.name.cacheImages = Cache:a bilder
config.description.cacheImages = Cache:a avkodade bildobjekt
config.name.swfSpecificConfigs = SWF specifika konfigurationer
config.description.swfSpecificConfigs = Innehåller SWF specifika konfigurationer
scripts.constants = Constants
buttons = Knappar
buttons.png = PNG
buttons.svg = SVG
buttons.bmp = BMP
text.toggleCase = Sätter på eller stänger av fallet
preview.loop = Repetera
menu.file.import.script = Importera skript
contextmenu.copyTagWithDependencies = Kopiera tag med beroenden till
button.replaceWithTag = Ersätt med andra tecken tag
button.resolveConstants = Lösa constants
button.viewConstants = Granska Constants
work.exported = Exporterad
button.replaceAlphaChannel = Ersätt alfakanal...
tagInfo.header.name = Namn
tagInfo.header.value = Värde
tagInfo.tagType = Tag Typ
tagInfo.characterId = Tecken Id
tagInfo.offset = Offset
tagInfo.length = Längd
tagInfo.bounds = Gränser
tagInfo.width = Bredd
tagInfo.height = Höjd
tagInfo.neededCharacters = Behövande Tecken
button.viewhexpcode = Granska Hex med instruktioner
taginfo.header = Grundläggande tag information
tagInfo.dependentCharacters = Beroende Tecken
dialog.title = Ersätt tecken tag
replace.width = Ersätt med:
button.ok = Okej
button.cancel = Upphäv
The added translation doesn't have åäö fixed as special characters ,like ö is \u00f6.
Ok, Is it a problem?
I'll fix it tomorrow.
Not much a problem. Just noticed it wasn't like it was before.
menu.tools.gotoDocumentClass = Gå till dokument klass
menu.tools.searchMemory = Sök SWFs inuti minnet
menu.tools.searchCache = Sök i webbläsarens cache
tagInfo.dependentCharacters = Dependent Characters
menu.tools.gotodocumentclass was removed. Senaste Värdet: Gå till dokument klass
menu.tools.searchmemory blev borttagen. Senaste Värdet: Sök SWFs inuti minnet
menu.tools.searchcache blev borttagen. Senaste Värdet: Sök i webbläsarens cache
header.uncompressed = Okomprimerad
header.warning.unsupportedGfxCompression = GFX stöder endast okomprimerat eller Zlib
komprimerad innehåll.
header.warning.minimumZlibVersion = Zlib kompression behöver SWF version 6 eller
header.warning.minimumLzmaVersion = LZMA kompression behöver SWF version 13 eller
Dependent Characters = Beroende Tecken
Thanks. It will be included in the next nightly build in about 10 minutes.
You don't have to translate the "was removed" texts, the resource was only renamed
config.name.exeExportMode = EXE exporterings läge
config.description.exeExportMode = EXE exporterings läge
filter.dmg = Mac Körbara filer (*.dmg)
filter.linuxExe = Linux Körbara filer
config.name.lastSessionFiles = Senast session filerna
config.description.lastSessionFiles = Innehåller de öppnade filerna från den sista
config.name.lastSessionSelection = Senaste session val
config.description.lastSessionSelection = Innehåller urval från den senaste sessionen
config.name.lastSessionData was removed. Senaste värde: Senast sessionsdata
config.description.lastSessionData was removed. Senaste värde: Innehåller de öppnade
filerna från den sista sessionen
Thanks, I added the first 4.
Maybe you misunderstood me. You can skip the whole lines which starts with "<resourcename>
was removed"
So config.name.lastSessionData was renamed to config.name.lastSessionFiles (and the text
slightly changed, so a new translation was needed), this is why you had to translate
lastSessionFiles, but "lastSessionData was removed" is only an information that this text
was removed from FFDec, translation is not needed anymore, we also removed the
translations from all language files.
sprites = Sprites
sprites.png = PNG
sprites.gif = GIF
sprites.avi = AVI
sprites.svg = SVG
sprites.canvas = HTML5 Canvas
sprites.pdf = PDF
sprites.bmp = BMP
import.script.result = %count% skript har blivit importerade.
import.script.as12warning = Importera skript kan bara importera AS1/2 skript
Can someone update the translations I have missed? I used "Check resources" but I can't
select everything.
config.name._debugMode = FFDec in debug mode
config.description._debugMode = Mode for debugging FFDec. Turns on debug menu. This has
nothing to do with the debugger functionality
config.name._debugCopy = FFDec debug recompile
config.description._debugCopy = Tries to compile SWF file again just after opening to
ensure it produces same binary code. Use for DEBUGGING FFDec only!
config.name._showDebugMenu = Show FFDec debug menu
config.description._showDebugMenu = Shows debug menu in the ribbon for debugging of the
config.name.ignoreCLikePackages = Ignore FlashCC / Alchemy or similar packages
config.description.ignoreCLikePackages = FlashCC/Alchemy packages cannot usually be
decompiled correctly. You can disable them to speedup other packages decompilation.
config.name.overwriteExistingFiles = Overwrite the existing files
config.description.overwriteExistingFiles = Overwrite the existing files during export.
Currently only for AS2/3 scripts
config.name.smartNumberFormatting = Use smart number formatting
config.description.smartNumberFormatting = Format special numbers (for example colors and
config.name.enableScriptInitializerDisplay = Display script initializers
config.description.enableScriptInitializerDisplay = Enable script initializers display and
editation. This setting may add one newline to each class file for highlighting.
config.name.autoOpenLoadedSWFs = Open loaded SWFs during run (External viewer = WIN only)
config.description.autoOpenLoadedSWFs = Opens automatically all SWFs loaded by AS3 class
Loader by running SWF when played in FFDec external player. This feature is Windows only.
config.name.lastSessionFileTitles = Last session file titles
config.description.lastSessionFileTitles = Contains the opened file titles from the last
session (for example when loaded from URL etc.)
config.group.name.paths = Paths
config.group.description.paths = Location of needed files
config.group.tip.paths = You can download these files on adobe webpage
config.group.link.paths = https://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/debug_downloads.html
config.group.linkText.paths = [visit]
config.name.playerLocation = 1) Flash Player projector path
config.description.playerLocation = Location of standalone flash player executable. Used
for Run action.
config.name.playerDebugLocation = 2) Flash Player projector content debugger path
config.description.playerDebugLocation = Location of standalone debug flash player
executable. Used for Debug action.
config.name.playerLibLocation = 3) PlayerGlobal (.swc) path
config.description.playerLibLocation = Location of playerglobal.swc flash player library.
It is used mostly for AS3 compilation.
config.name.debugHalt = Halt execution on debug start
config.description.debugHalt = Pause SWF on start of debugging.
config.name.gui.avm2.splitPane.vars.dividerLocationPercent = (Internal) Debug menu
splitter location
config.description.gui.avm2.splitPane.vars.dividerLocationPercent =
tip = Tip:
config.name.gui.action.splitPane.vars.dividerLocationPercent = (Internal) AS1/2 Debug menu
splitter location
config.description.gui.action.splitPane.vars.dividerLocationPercent =
config.name.setMovieDelay = Delay before changing the SWF in external player in ms
config.description.setMovieDelay = Not recommended to change this value below 1000ms
config.name.warning.svgImport = Warn on SVG import
config.description.warning.svgImport =
config.name.shapeImport.useNonSmoothedFill = Use non-smoothed fill when a shape is
replaced with an image
config.description.shapeImport.useNonSmoothedFill =
config.name.internalFlashViewer.execute.as12 = AS1/2 in own flash viewer (Experimental)
config.description.internalFlashViewer.execute.as12 = Try to execute ActionScript 1/2
during SWF playback using FFDec flash viewer
config.name.warning.hexViewNotUpToDate = Show Hex View not up-to-date warning
config.description.warning.hexViewNotUpToDate =
config.name.displayDupInstructions = Show ��dup instructions
config.description.displayDupInstructions = Display ��dup instructions in the code.
Without them, the code can be easily compiled but some dupped code with sideeffects could
be executed twice.
config.name.useRegExprLiteral = Decompile RegExp as /pattern/mod literal.
config.description.useRegExprLiteral = Use /pattern/mod syntax when decompiling regular
expressions. new RegExp("pat","mod") is used otherwise
config.name.handleSkinPartsAutomatically = Handle [SkinPart] metadata automatically
config.description.handleSkinPartsAutomatically = Decompiles and direct edits [SkinPart]
metadata automatically. When turned off, _skinParts attribute and its getter method is
visible and manually editable.
config.name.simplifyExpressions = Simplify expressions
config.description.simplifyExpressions = Evaluate and simplify expressions to make code
more readable
config.name.resetLetterSpacingOnTextImport = Reset Letter Spacing on text import
config.description.resetLetterSpacingOnTextImport = Useful for cyrillic fonts, because
they are wider
column.address = Address
tagInfo.codecName = Codec Name
tagInfo.exportFormat = Export Format
tagInfo.samplingRate = Sampling Rate
tagInfo.stereo = Stereo
tagInfo.sampleCount = Sample Count
error.constantPoolTooBig = Constant pool is too big. index=%index%, size=%size%
error.image.alpha.invalid = Invalid alpha channel data.
contextmenu.saveUncompressedToFile = Save to Uncompressed File
abc.traitslist.scriptinitializer = script initializer
menu.settings.autoOpenLoadedSWFs = Open loaded SWFs while playing
menu.file.start = Start
menu.file.start.run = Run
menu.file.start.stop = Stop
menu.file.start.debug = Debug
menu.debugging = Debugging
menu.debugging.debug = Debug
menu.debugging.debug.stop = Stop
menu.debugging.debug.pause = Pause
menu.debugging.debug.stepOver = Step over
menu.debugging.debug.stepInto = Step into
menu.debugging.debug.stepOut = Step out
menu.debugging.debug.continue = Continue
menu.debugging.debug.stack = Stack...
menu.debugging.debug.watch = New watch...
message.playerpath.notset = Flash Player projector not found. Please configure its path in
Advanced Settings / Paths (1).
message.playerpath.debug.notset = Flash Player projector content debugger not found.
Please configure its path in Advanced Settings / Paths (2).
message.playerpath.lib.notset = PlayerGlobal (.SWC) not found. Please configure its path
in Advanced Settings / Paths (3).
debugpanel.header = Debugging
variables.header.registers = Registers
variables.header.locals = Locals
variables.header.arguments = Arguments
variables.header.scopeChain = Scope chain
variables.column.name = Name
variables.column.type = Type
variables.column.value = Value
callStack.header = Call stack
callStack.header.file = File
callStack.header.line = Line
stack.header = Stack
stack.header.item = Item
constantpool.header = Constant pool
constantpool.header.id = Id
constantpool.header.value = Value
work.running = Running
work.debugging = Debugging
work.debugging.instrumenting = Preparing SWF for debugging
work.breakat = Break at
work.halted = Debugging started, execution halted. Add breakpoints and click Continue (F5)
to resume running.
debuglog.header = Log
debuglog.button.clear = Clear
work.debugging.wait = Waiting for Flash debug projector to connect
error.debug.listen = Cannot listen on port %port%. There might be other flash debugger
debug.break.reason.unknown = (Unknown)
debug.break.reason.breakpoint = (Breakpoint)
debug.break.reason.watch = (Watch)
debug.break.reason.fault = (Fault)
debug.break.reason.stopRequest = (Stop request)
debug.break.reason.step = (Step)
debug.break.reason.halt = (Halt)
debug.break.reason.scriptLoaded = (Script loaded)
menu.file.start.debugpcode = Debug P-code
button.replaceNoFill = Replace - Update bounds...
message.warning.svgImportExperimental = Not all SVG features are supported. Please check
the log after import.
message.imported.swf = The SWF file uses assets from an imported SWF file:
Do you want the assets to be loaded from that URL?
message.imported.swf.manually = Cannot load imported SWF
The file or URL does not exist.
Do you want to select local file?
message.warning.hexViewNotUpToDate = Hex View is not up-to-date. Please save and reload
the file to update Hex View.
message.font.replace.updateTexts = Some characters were replaced. Do you want to update
the existing texts?
menu.settings.simplifyExpressions = Simplify expressions
menu.recentFiles.empty = Recent file list is empty
message.warning.outOfMemory32BitJre = OutOfMemory error occured. You are running 32bit
Java on 64bit system. Please use 64bit Java.
menu.file.reloadAll = Reload all
message.confirm.reloadAll = This action cancels all unsaved changes in all SWF files and
reloads whole application again.
Do you want to continue?
+ the nsh file, see the zip in the translation page
I copied this list from the Check resources pagre, what is the problem there?
Thanks. But why is there special characters at "Show 'here''here'dup instructions"?
I don't know, probably some encoding problem in the check resource code... just ignore
them, you should not translate it (§§dup)
You guys can remove Swedish from the tool I need to redone it.
I just have another question. How do I translate to Swedish from beginning so it translate
the special characters to the java code?
I zipped the updated and edited swedish files. Not all exist, but they also need to be
converted the special charactes.

Thank you for your contribution, I added it to nightly 1932 with correct conversion.
Sorry for not anwering your previous question, I was very busy at that times and then
forgot about it.
For .properties file editing, you could use some java properties editor.
Netbeans for example edits these files and properly converts to unicode escapes,
Eclipse has probably an editor too.
I don't use this software so often anymore. If there is someone else out there that want
to translate this into Swedish feel free to do that.