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#2235 Decompiler stuck in infinite Decompilation after file was modified
Author: user Oxybulyx
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
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When trying to mod a .swf of Epic Battle Fantasy 5, one of the scripts (spells) is stuck in an infinite decompilation when trying to view it's actionscript, making it impossible to edit. No other script does this. It should be able to finish decompiling eventually, but even leaving it overnight does nothing. I use version v.20.1.0 Nightly Build 2770. I'm not sure if I am allowed to share an .swf of EBF5 since it is a paid game, but it might also happen in other .swfs, simply none other that I have seen.
DownloadCapture2.PNG (98 KiB)
I tried it on the free version of the SWF which is available at and this script (Spells) worked without a problem. I don't own the premium/paid version of the game and you did not provide any SWF, so I am afraid I cannot help you - I have nothing to test it on.