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#2230 Adding Bounds or Width to Exported XML
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Type: question
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State: closed Help

Hey, so I'm trying to write something to double the size (and then re-center) of all the sprites across my masses of swf files. Problem is, the PlaceObject2Tag and Matrix tags that I'm using don't reference the bounds or the width of the object at all, and I don't know where abouts in the .java file I can add it in during export. Which means I can only update the ScaleX/Y and can't do anything with the translateX and translateY numbers. Would love any help at all, or a point in the right direction. :) <matrix type="MATRIX" hasRotate="false" hasScale="true" nRotateBits="0" nScaleBits="18" nTranslateBits="13" rotateSkew0="0" rotateSkew1="0" scaleX="66428" scaleY="66427" translateX="-40" translateY="4026"/>
I've got the new parameter/attribute up on the PlaceObject2Tag, but still trying to figure out how to call bounds or readRECT from the PlaceObject... like what is getting called that puts the red dashed border around them?
Figured it out. You can add attributes in XMLExport in the Fields loop using the CharacterID for the boundedtag into bounds :)
State: new→closed