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#2228 Prefer hexadecimal representation if context is masking bytes
Author: user ODAKAB
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Decompilation
State: upgraded Help

Current Version: 19.1.2 I think it would be much more meaningful to see hexadecimal representation of 0xFF 0xFFFF 0x00FF etc. when it's next to mask operator as shown in attachment. Let me send a method to save some hassle (switch case instead or chain for better performance): static boolean isByteMask(int number) { switch (number) { case 0xFF: case 0xFF00: case 0xFFFF: case 0xFF0000: case 0xFF00FF: case 0xFFFF00: case 0xFFFFFF: case 0xFF000000: case 0xFF0000FF: case 0xFF00FF00: case 0xFF00FFFF: case 0xFFFF0000: case 0xFFFF00FF: case 0xFFFFFF00: return true; } return false; }
Downloadexample.jpg (52 KiB)
In nightly 2824, bitwise and, or, xor and negation use hexadecimal representation of their operands.
State: new→upgraded