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#2225 JPEXS compilation vs Flex compilation
Author: user ReactX
Date created:
Type: question
Visibility: Everybody
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State: new Help

Hi there, I have a question that I'm hoping to get more insight and understanding about. When using JPEXS the performance of my SWF binary seems to be good, and doesn't really encounter any script execution timeouts, or similar, I'm assuming this is because of how JPEXS compiles it. However, when recompiling using Apache Flex, I notice that I'm getting major performance issues in certain areas of the code and script timeouts. So, my question is, what does JPEXS use to recompile to SWF? Because I would really like to use that method to recompile, unless it is some sort of modified version of the MXML compiler or something? Any advice on this would be great! If you are interested to see this for yourself, I will attach both the recompiled binary using JPEXS vs recompiled binary using Flex. To trigger the script execution timeout on the Flex compiled one, you can login to the game with these dev credentials: - Email: - Password: dev12345 Then click the 'Open' button on the building called 'Yard Planner'. You will see this freezes the Flash Player, but runs smoothly with JPEXS :) I would love to know why, thank you for your time.
Downloadjpexs-compiled.swf (2,689 KiB)Downloadflex-compiled.swf (3,375 KiB)
Sorry my bad, here is the correct jpexs-compiled one:
Downloadjpex-compiled.swf (2,686 KiB)
I'm an idiot, 3rd time lucky, here is the correct jpexs-compiled one:
I have opened an issue about this just now, as I discovered the problem: / -a-file-in-jpexs-script-execution-timeout You can probably delete this question from here.