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List of issues#2223 Export embedded assets: MovieClip frames loop infinitely & miscalculated alignments
Author: ReactX
Date created:
Type: bug
Visibility: Everybody
Assigned to:
State: new
> What steps will reproduce the problem?
When exporting embedded assets via Embed, and importing/re-compiling the codebase whether
in JPEXS or other environment (e.g. VSCode), it seems as though the MovieClips infinitely
loop through their state/frames, and do not begin on a default state. Additionally,
although not as important, many static assets become misaligned from the stage. These
issues are NOT present before the export. I have attached screenshots of before & after,
video evidence, and also the offending SWF binary. The following are dev login credentials
to access the game:
- Email: dev@test.com
- Password: dev12345
> What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
The expected output would be that MovieClip animation and static asset alignment are a 1:1
after exporting them.
> What version of the product are you using? Is it "nightly build"? Which operating system
do you have?
I have tried this on v20.1.0 and also my current nightly build: 2778
> Please provide any additional information below. If the problem is related to a SWF
file, attach it here, otherwise we can't help you.
bymr-recompiled.swf (4,411 KiB)embedded_1.PNG (9,053 KiB)embedded_2.PNG (9,110 KiB)JPEXS-Embed-MovieClips.mp4 (6,828 KiB)
After some research, this is likely due to an issue with gotoAndStop() and gotoAndPlay().
Only seems to happen when exported.
You attached recompiled version, could you also attach original version - before export?
@JPEXS - sure no problem, attached is the file before export / original version.
bymr-before-export.swf (2,688 KiB)