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#2221 Is it possible in the future to add functions inside functions?
Author: user capasha
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: AS3P-code
State: closed Help

Example this code: public function checkCharacter(param1:Boolean) : void { var collide:Boolean = param1; this.player.collideWithWall = collide; if(this.wall.overlaps(this.player)) { this.player.collideWithWall = !collide; this.queue.push(function():void { checkCharacter(collide); }); } } It have this.qeueue.push(function():void { checkCharacter(collide) }); I have tried with P-code, but doesn't work. If I make this as actionscript editing the swf I use, it instantly crashes. I need this in p-code, or a way to generate functions inside functions.
In nightly 2842, there is a new button "Add function" on the top of AS3 p-code panel. It will create new MethodInfo and MethodBody and shows you the method info index which you can then set as operand to newfunction instruction. If you want to customize the method parameters and its body, you need to locate it then in ActionScript view, click it, and then edit its p-code there.
State: new→upgraded
State: upgraded→closed