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#2219 How to check missing word list?
Author: user LelouchCS
Date created:
Type: question
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed Help

Is there any way to record all the file with missing word, missing words and missing fonts after importing the file?
I am not sure what you mean by missing word. Also, "importing which file"? There is plenty of import kinds in the decompiler. Can you tell exact steps you do?
Sorry for not being clear enough. The error occurs when I import the translated Chinese plain text and the following error message is generated as in the video. error message: The selected source font does not contain the character "嗎". The selected source font does not contain the character "哪". However, these error messages are displayed one by one, and disappear immediately after displaying, there is no record, so there is no way to know which font is missing in which file. So I would like to have a function to record which font is missing from which file, and record all of them at once.
Revise : "which font is missing in which file" -> "which word of which font is missing in which file" Since I also want to know what the missing word is.
Open the error log by clicking the bottom right corner red "!".
Thank you very much!!
State: new→closed