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#2217 .exe error
Author: user LelouchCS
Date created:
Type: question
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: EXE
State: closed Help

When I export .swf to .exe file, the following error pops up when I run the .exe file. 1. Category not registered 2.Access violation at address 00459F09 in modile 'test.exe'. Read of address 00000000. How to solve this problem? version:v.20.1.0 OS:windows11
Downloadjgf.swf (56,172 KiB)
Standard "Wrapper" mode of EXE export saves EXE which uses ActiveX component to display the flash content. On newer windows and also with newer Flash, this component is not available. Flash has retired. If you want working EXE, you can use "projector" approach, which will merge fully working flash projector with target SWF. Go to Advanced settings / Export / Exe export mode and select "PROJECTOR_WIN". Also make sure you download "Flash player projector" and set its path on Advanced settings / Paths page. Then it should work.
State: new→opened
Type: bug→question
Thank you for reply.I want to know which to download.
ok,only need flashplayer_32_sa.exe,fixed.
okay, you are welcome.
State: opened→closed