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#2213 A feature where we can see how much a bitmap was rotated/skewed before it was compressed into a bitmap.
Author: user Mooncrept
Date created:
Type: question
Visibility: Everybody read only
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State: opened Help

Whenever I try to reverse engineer FLAs, one problem I always come across is rotated or skewed bitmaps. I don't know how much these bitmaps were rotated or skewed before compilation. The only way to know that is if they were assigned a linkage ID, which prevents the bitmaps from being compressed into shapes. Then I can at least export a FLA and see how much the bitmaps were rotated or skewed through the transformation window in Animate. But sadly, this cannot be applied to shapes. And since bitmaps get converted into shapes upon compilation, it makes it impossible for me to figure out how much a bitmap was rotated or skewed before it was compiled.
DownloadUntitled.png (52 KiB)DownloadUntitled2.png (54 KiB)
You can view bitmap matrix of a shape by going through the tree of a shape to its fillstyles. Shape has multiple fill styles. You need to search one that is one of the bitmap fillstyles (smoothed/clipped/...) and has matching bitmapId and then there is bitmapMatrix field which shows you how the bitmap is mapped to the shape. See attached screenshot.
State: new→opened
Type: feature→question
flew over my head, thank you