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#2212 How to I "replace" or "find" an image?
Author: user baq
Date created:
Type: question
Visibility: Everybody
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State: upgraded Help

(I don't know how this program works that well so i may be missing something simple.) For example, i got this GFx file and also the .dds images in the same folder, but everytime i open the decompiler it doesn't load - like it isn't finding the image. Is it related to any script in the GFx file itself not having the right directory? Or is it related to the program itself about the .dds files and I have to import it directly as other format and delete the old one?
Could you attach that GFX file here + the DDS image file so I can investigate?
The decompiler loads the images according to bitmapFormat field - in your file it is set to TGA(1), but the files are DDS. This might be caused by incorrectly set bitmapFormat or incorrect detection of bitmapFormat field on our side. In nightly 2775 I modified the loading images part, now it tries to detect DDS based on the image file data rather than bitmapFormat field. Your file should now load okay.
State: new→upgraded