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#2208 flash is not supported
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Type: question
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State: opened Help

Where can I download flash? Because I can't run games or the debugger without flash and it can no longer be downloaded from the Adobe page
How about to click that OK button, hmmm? You will be redirected to Advanced settings / Paths, where there is info (Tip) about where to download it. Just click the link "adobe webpage" in the footer - this should show you archived adobe webpage in the web browser.
State: new→opened
The adobe webpage says: "We have retired Flash.Support for Flash ended on December 31, 2020. " and it shows ways to desinstale it but it has not a way to download it
So you clicked the link in the Tip and got this? Which FFDec version do you use? It should redirect you to archived version on Wayback machine website where download links normally work, at least for me.