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#2205 ActionScript Linkage to sound? (AS2)
Author: user BDslick
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Type: question
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Labels: AS1/2SymbolClass
State: closed Help

How can you create an ActionScript Linkage to a sound with JPEXS. Sometimes I see that sound files have a name next to their ID and I was wondering if JPEXS can create AS linkages to sound files? Open the file attached and look at the sound folder. You will see that some sound files have names next to their id like "Twack" or "Cut".
DownloadSound.swf (23,543 KiB)
You can achieve this by creating ExportAssets tag - that tag contain mapping of character ids to the names. The best steps will be something like this: - (if in Resources view) right click sound - select "Show in Tag list" - Right click sound - select "Add tag after" -> Others -> ExportAssets - on new Exportassets tag detail, click Edit on the bottom - right click "assets" tree item -> insert asset at the beginning. - expand the "assets" node, click its subitem - set tag id to the sound id and its name - hit Save button under the edit panel
State: new→opened
This worked perfectly. Thank you very much.
You're welcome.
State: opened→closed
Actually, I tried making the game play the sound through creating a new sound object, but it doesn't play it. But I tried using another file that already existed, like MMDie, and it played fine. Open the attached file with JPEXS and go to sprite 566 frame 26 in scripts to see the sound that plays properly. Go to sprite 989 frame 172 in scripts to see the new sound I added that does not work.
Downloadsoud.swf (8,921 KiB)
State: closed→opened
You probably need to move the sound at the beginning of the file for it to work. Try this: Switch to Tag List view first. Go to the very end of all tags, you see the sound and exportassets tags you added are there. Select them, then Ctrl+X. Go back near the beginning of all tags, look where DefineSound 18 and its ExportAssets are (see attached screenshot). Click on DefineBitsLossless2 (19), then Ctrl+V. I hope this works.
Downloadscr-001.png (16 KiB)
In nightly 2819, there is a shortcut for setting ExportAssets/SymbolClass called "Set AS linkage" - it is available from context menu of character tags.
State: opened→closed