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#2204 Need ignore errors and save anyway feature
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Type: question
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Labels: AIR
State: opened Help

I was editing actionscript of a game, i didnt really change anything but an integer then i go to save it. It is giving me error saying "not a type on line 481, column -1" and didnt let me save it. I didnt even touch that line and the game is working fine with the code that looks faulty to ffdec. It is giving error on unedited code too. Please add feature to ignore actionscript error and save the file however it is.
There is nothing like "save anyway", the code must be compiled into bytecode in order to save it. It is not saved as plain text. If it says "not a type on line 481", then there is probably bug in the compiler we use. If you attach sample SWF file where this happens, I can take a look and maybe fix the compiler error. Also tell us which script has this problem.
Game.swf in which error happens Line 481 public var file:File; i was trying to import to Game.swf (3,551 KiB)DownloadGame.swf (34,506 KiB)
1) The class flash.filesystem.File is part of AIR SDK, you must select AIR in Library section on top panel - see attached screenshot. 2) It seems that as an addition to AIR SDK, this SWF file depends on some other SWFs. For example class com.adcolony.airadc.AirAdColony is missing from this SWF - you must open proper SWF which contains this class in FFDec and set it as dependency to Game.swf, see second screenshot. Then you will be able to edit the class.
State: new→opened
Type: feature→question
How do i find the proper SWF sir. That game only have Game.swf
Then it is probably some library outside that game. It looks like this: colony-sdk-and-adapter-ane But I can't tell you where you get the SWF out of it, I am not android/air developer. It's up to you.
I found another Game.swf in game's data dir. which is same size as Game.swf found in apk file. It is found inside cache folder in which there are three more folders named "com.adcolony.airadc.AirAdColony" , "com.distriqt.Core" and "com.distriqt.InAppBilling". I dont have access to PC right now. Could you take a look at this Game.swf and tell me if this is the dependency i need to fill the missing class?
DownloadGame.swf (34,506 KiB)
Hi JPEXS i want to tell you that i was able to find all 3 dependencies and edit actionscript without errors. 👍