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#220 Add changing fonts functionality

Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed 

I wish to be able changing/replacing fonts (in .swf files) to translate text in flash
games on my native language.
State: new→opened
Version 1.6.6 was released.
When you edit DefineText(2), new glyphs are automatically added to font.
You can also view font details and add new characters.(For DefineEditText)
Is this enough?
State: opened→upgraded
It works in strange way.. Or I just not get it.
Try to add "1" to the DefineFont3 in the attached SWF.
Nothing happens after I press OK (I expect to see 1 added to the Characters:). And if I
deselect this DefineFont3 taga and select it back, I'll see solid black fill in the SWF
Preview area...

okay, I will take a look
State: upgraded→returned
focus: Do you see any errors in the log? (Lower right corner icon is red)
Oh, I tried to do this again and see new symbols added fine Oo Can't reproduce it for
Works like a charm now, very cool feature btw!
Hmm, if I edit DefineText tag I can add new symbols to the font, but when I edit
DefineEditText, new symbols are not added to the font automatically thus I can't see them
in preview.
Thanks but it still very buggy. I can add new symbols for only one font (there are 7 fonts
in the my .swf file) so it seems that program doesn't supports all font types. When I
trying to add symbols to another fonts I gets result as described above by focus at
07/16/2013, 1:02 pm.
Okay, I will need to see the SWF file.
Would you mind to attach it here?
I can make this issue private or you may send it via email if you do not want to publish
Hm, I don't know what is better email or private. By the way its adult game so would it be
a problem for you?
Adult game will be problem for public issue I think. I should have age confirmation here
then :-).
I am already 18 so you can send it to me. Please use email so I can leave this issue
public as focus probably wants to receive notifications.
Ok. Done.
:D I'm watching you, guys!!
State: returned→opened
version 1.6.7 released
it should be fixed, try it
State: opened→upgraded
Trying to import russian characters in ttp.swf from Dosis to Dosis (and the same thing
when with other fonts except Calibri and Trebuchet) causes error ("x" sybols in preview
instead of characters) and in game also. And after some text editing, game loading stoped
at 90%.
P.S. Importing from Calibri to Dosis works.

Btw I'm not sure if it's a bug, maybe those fonts doesn't support cyrillic characters?
Seems that according to google http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Dosis Dosis doesn't cyrillic
characters so it isn't a bug. Just a suggestion: it will be better if unsupported symbols
will not be imported to current font.
I tried to add characters "Рросиявпед" to the attached swf using Arial as Source
font. It just stopped working at all after this (

version 1.7.0 was released
this was improved, try it
State: upgraded→upgraded
Good work! I think it would be useful to add protection against adding the same a symbol
twice or more times. For example if user adds "ыыы" it will add only "ы".
There already is protection against it. If you add two same characters, only one is added.
Or is this protection not working?
It is working with latin chars, but looks like not working with cyrillic.
Ok, are u planning to make it working for cyrillic :)?
Of course I am! Just wait for future releases...
State: upgraded→returned
Btw I have another idea to offer: to see what charactes is in source font (from which I
importing new characters) and if it possible to choose by mouse what symbol (or symbols) I
need to import or if it is too hard to make, create new button "Import all cyrillic
characters" for russian version.
...or to create and save&load my own importing charaters presets.
Should I make new issue for previewing imported fonts and other features posted above?
Yes, please create new issue for each other font feature/bug.
I am closing this one. Thanks.
State: returned→closed