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#2196 FrameExporter, class cast exception to Timelined.
Author: user Tayker
Date created:
Type: question
Visibility: Everybody
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State: closed Help

Good afternoon, I am trying to get all sprites that are assembled piece by piece through FrameExporter. And through gui if you select and save in PNG, everything is exported well. But if I do through frameExporter.exportFrames(...) I catch the error DefineShapeTag can't cast to Timelined, on line 254(tim0 = ((Timelined) swf.getCharacter(containerId)).getTimeline();). The full method call looks roughly like this: frameExporter.exportFrames(null, EXPORT_DIR, swf, defineSpriteTag.getId(), defineSpriteTag.getTimeline().getFrames().stream().map(frame -> frame.frame).collect(Collectors.toList()), settings, null); Translated with (free version)
Sorry, i found my error. I add defineSpriteTag.getId(), but need defineSpriteTag.getCharacterId().
Good, I am glad you found it. I am closing this.
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