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#2180 Mass Update Character IDs
Author: user Luxe3710
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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State: new Help

When working on a file for a long time, the character IDs start getting huge (as in 5 digit IDs). I know we have plenty of unused character IDs in-between the ones that are used, but going through and renaming them all one by one sounds awful, and very error prone as we need to update every related placeobject as well. Would it be possible to be able to have JPEXS auto-rename the IDs to fill in the gaps? Either by having a setting to use gaps when character IDs don't exist, rather than the largest available number, or have a button to mass rename? Or a setting that does it on start up, like Auto rename identifiers. Also, when using the replace function, if the character id was listed first, you could type in the ID to get to it fast if you know it. Scrolling through 1000s of tags to find the right one for Replace with other character tag / Replace reference is very time consuming, exacerbated by how long the ids are getting. Making the dropdown menu longer if there's space on the screen would be another option that could help, since the scrollbar is so short it's hard to select precisely where you want to go.