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#2168 Game where debugger does not launch
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Type: question
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Labels: Debugger
State: opened Help

JPEXS nightly build 2741. Referencing this issue: / The provided `640976_jill-flash.swf` in that issue, I am able to run debug mode successfully, as the `Where is the debugger or host application running?` window pops up as expected. I am selecting the .swf file on the left-hand side, and then clicking `Debug`/. However, I found 2 games that, no matter what I try, that window does not pop up at all. The game in question is `Sonny` ( and `Sonny 2` ( I have tried both .swf files from armorgames, and from BlueMaxima's Flashpoint. At this point, I don't know what the reason for the debugger not working with these 2 flash files is, and would greatly appreciate any insight as to how to get both these files working with the debugger. I've attached both `Sonny` games. Both armorgames and flashpoint .swf files match based on their SHA-256.
Downloadsonny-505.swf (9,545 KiB)Downloadsonny-2-2900.swf (20,774 KiB)
I should also mention I am using Windows 10 Home, Version 22H2, OS build 19045.3803
It seems that in these SWFs, the debugger dialog is disabled by the line: Stage.showMenu = false(); in frame 1 / DoAction. This line should hide some default menu items in flash context menu. Unfortunately, it hides "Debugger" menu item too and thus disables it. The solution is probably only editing the script and delete this line, or set showMenu to true. You can edit the script faster if you use P-code editor. Just delete these lines: Push "Stage" GetVariable Push "showMenu", 0, false CallFunction SetMember
State: new→opened
Awesome, thank you so much for finding that! I was able to get the debugger working after removing those lines. Unrelated to the debugger itself, but is there a way to not have the debugger create a new folder each time the debugger starts? I ask because when debugging, I was hoping to use an existing save file, but because the debugger creates a new folder and therefore creates a new save file each time, I have to start from the beginning of the game each debugging session.