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#2167 Injected ExportAssets give errors
Author: user TechX
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Type: question
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State: opened Help

My friends and I over the last 10-ish years have been working on reviving an old school multiplayer adobe flash drag racing game called Nitto 1320 Challenge. We decided that since JPEXS allows for cloning/injecting/replacing, we would add content to the game like new wheels, graphics, etc. There seems to be a problem with this functionality though with JPEXS. Every asset we add gives an error with the ExportAssets tag associated to it, thus it seems to "take long to load" (see screen shots with ruffles debugger) for the items to function correctly in the game. When logging into the game, you'll see the Nissan Skyline example, the back wheels are what we added to the game, the front are stock. its not supposed to be this way, its because they're giving this error upon launch. Is there a fix for this? Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug in jpexs? If i need to provide a swf, i can as well. Thanks!
DownloadcarExample.png (131 KiB)DownloadFilesExist.png (12 KiB)DownloadRuffles.png (35 KiB)
Attaching a SWF would be handy, I cannot determine everything from just screenshots. If Ruffle prints that character ID does not exist, it could mean that the character(like DefineSprite) should be defined earlier than the ExportAssets tag referring to it. "Tag list" view in FFDec should help you with exact tags position.
Here's the SWF. I basically just duplicated what everything else in the game does with the assets. Everything else was "export" so that's what I used.
DownloadXMasTourney.swf (8,983 KiB)
I meant to add this to that post, forgot. here's a visual of logging in and how stuff just seems to take a second to load
You should better use Tag list view instead of Resources view, as it shows real tag position. The position of tags inside SWF file is crucial. The ExportAssets tag requires that referenced tags (characters) are defined before it. You see on you video that some tags are red - place the mouse over them and it will tell you which tags need to be moved. On taglist view, you can drag and drop tags to their correct position, but as I see this file is heavily modified, it could be hard. I recommend you to start over with adding one single item a time and when it works for you, then add another. You should create a DefineSprite, make sure the tag position is before or inside SWF frame where it will be used. Then you can create the ExportAssets tag, but make sure it is placed after the DefineSprite (just next to it is a good place). In the current FFDec nightly version, there is a change that can help you - if the ExportAssets contains only one item, its name is displayed right in the tree - you do not need to expand the raw editor.
State: new→opened