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#215 Wrong language in the downloadable translator pack
Author: user capasha
Date created:
Type: question
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Translation
State: closed Help

> What steps will reproduce the problem? Open from ffdec_1.6.5_lang > What is the expected output? I should understand it. It should be in English. What do you see instead? button.goto = P\u0159ej\u00edt na button.cancel = Storno dialog.title = Pou\u017eit\u00ed: > What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? 1.6.5_lang > Please provide any additional information below. Attach the file you have problem with if neccessary. If you do not want to publish files YOU CAN CHANGE VISIBILITY TO PRIVATE
I looked through some of the other files in the pack that is uploaded. And it contains more Czech. I don't want to learn me Czech to translate the files. :p
Locale pack contains all available languages so you can sele source language as you want. Each language has its suffix, this one is Czech (_cs). You can find original (english) locale in the file without suffix -, okay?
State: new→opened
Type: bug→question
Ah. I saw that now. You can close this issue. ;)
State: opened→closed