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=== THIS ISSUE IS POSTED AS A COLLEGE ASSIGNMENT ON SOLID DESIGN PRINCIPLES, PLEASE CLOSE THE ISSUE IF YOU FIND IT TO BE USELESS. === #1 libsrc/ffdec_lib/src/com/jpexs/helpers/ Concern: In the provided code, the SerializableImage class seems to be responsible for various image-related functionalities, including graphic manipulation, image type management, and serialization. This might make the class too large and difficult to maintain as more functionalities are added. Solution: To improve the design and adhere to the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), you could consider splitting the SerializableImage class into smaller, more specific classes, each with a single responsibility. Here's a proposal on how you could reorganize the code: Code: // Class for image manipulation public class ImageManipulator { private BufferedImage image; public ImageManipulator(BufferedImage image) { this.image = image; } public BufferedImage getBufferedImage() { return image; } // Add methods related to image manipulation // For example, methods for resizing, applying filters, etc. } // Class for graphics management public class GraphicsManager { private Graphics graphics; public GraphicsManager(BufferedImage image) { = (Graphics2D) image.getGraphics(); // Configure the graphics context as per your requirements } public Graphics getGraphics() { return graphics; } // Add methods related to graphic manipulation // For example, drawing shapes, text, etc. } // Class for image serialization public class ImageSerializer { public static void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out, BufferedImage image) throws IOException { // Implement the logic for serializing the image } public static BufferedImage readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { // Implement the logic for deserializing the image } } blob: #2 libsrc/ffdec_lib/src/com/jpexs/helpers/ Concern: The ReflectionTools class exhibits a violation of the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) due to its multifaceted responsibilities, including field manipulation, type instantiation checks, and constant name retrieval. This amalgamation of tasks results in a less maintainable and comprehensible codebase, making it challenging to extend or modify. Solution: To align with SRP principles and enhance code modularity, the suggested approach involves decomposing the ReflectionTools class into smaller, focused classes. These specialized classes will target specific tasks, improving maintainability and code readability. Code: // Class for field value manipulation public class FieldValueManipulator { // Include methods for getting and setting field values } // Class for constant name retrieval public class ConstantNameRetriever { // Include methods for retrieving constant names } // Class for type instantiation checks public class TypeInstantiationChecker { // Include methods for checking and instantiating types } Note: The above code represents a restructuring of the ReflectionTools class, but the actual methods are not specified here for brevity. #3 libsrc/ffdec_lib/src/com/jpexs/helpers/ Concern: The MD5Crypt class violates the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) by encompassing multiple responsibilities, including password checking, salt generation, and password hashing. This violation results in a lack of separation of concerns and can lead to reduced code maintainability and comprehension. Solution: To address the SRP violation and enhance code modularity, refactor the MD5Crypt class into smaller, more specialized classes, each responsible for a single task. Create separate classes for password checking, salt generation, and password hashing, ensuring a cleaner and more maintainable codebase. Code: // Class for password checking public class PasswordChecker { public static boolean checkPassword(String password, String hash) { // Implement the logic for password checking } } // Class for salt generation public class SaltGenerator { public static String generateSalt(int length) { // Implement the logic for generating salt } } // Class for password hashing public class PasswordHasher { public static String hashPassword(String password, String salt) { // Implement the logic for password hashing } } This refactoring adheres to the SRP and makes the code more organized and maintainable. Note that specific methods and implementations are not included for brevity. attached UML diagrams for each case:
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