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#2119 export files with their actual name instead of id
Author: user higoka
Date created:
Type: feature
Visibility: Everybody
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Labels: Export
State: closed Help

Is there a way to export files with their actual name from the symbol class? Currently they are exported with something like "000_name_name.png" How can i export the files with the correct names defined in the symbolClass?
Exported files already take names from assigned classes through SymbolClass tag. Additionally, they have character id prefix, which is needed because that way it can be easily imported back using import function (on import menu tab). Why do you need exact file name match?
State: new→opened
But i noticed that if two or more files have the same id it only exports one file instead of both. Is there a way to export both files without the id prefix only the SymbolClass name
If one character id (for example image) is assigned to multiple (like 5) classes and you export it, then it now export single file. You want 5 exactly same files to be written, with just names taken from SymbolClass, is that correct?
yes exactly!
Okay, this is implemented in nightly 2702, you can enable it in "Advanced settings / Export / Exported assets have names bases on classes only (AS3)".
Type: question→feature
awesome will try it out! how do i enable it using the cli?
Add -config as3ExportNamesUseClassNamesOnly=1 option. Like this: java -jar ffdec.jar -config as3ExportNamesUseClassNamesOnly=1 -export image "C:/exportdir" infile.swf
works perfect thx!
You're welcome!
State: opened→closed