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#2118 Liskov Substitution Principle concerns
Author: user jojusuar
Date created:
Type: other
Visibility: Everybody
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THIS ISSUE IS POSTED AS A COLLEGE ASSIGNMENT ON SOLID DESIGN PRINCIPLES, PLEASE CLOSE THE ISSUE IF YOU FIND IT TO BE USELESS. 1. jpexs-decompiler/libsrc/ffdec_lib/src/com/jpexs/helpers/ Concern: Line 218 implements method isFreeing() from interface Freed, but doesn't return a boolean as it should. This is a LSP violation. Solution: Return either true or false, since any boolean will make the class behave as the interface dictates. Proposed code could go as follows: Public class Cache implements Freed { @Override public boolean isFreeing(){ return false } } ****************************************************************************************** ******************** 2. jpexs-decompiler/libsrc/jsyntaxpane/jsyntaxpane/src/main/java/jsyntaxpane/util/StringUtils .java Concern: Line 56 implements method compare() as defined in interface Comparator. However, it doesn't return an int. This is a LSP violation. Solution: Define logic to compare Strings in the class. Proposed code could go as follows: static class CamelCaseCompare implements Comparator<String>, Serializable { @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { if(o1.equals(o2)){ return 0; } return o1.length() - o2.length(); } } ****************************************************************************************** ******************** 3. jpexs-decompiler/libsrc/ffdec_lib/src/com/jpexs/decompiler/flash/helpers/collections/MySet .java Concern: Line 86 implements method toArray() from interface Set, but doesn't return an array. This is a LSP violation. Solution: Write code that converts sets to arrays. Proposed code could go as follows: import java.util.Set: class mySet implements Set{ @Override public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) { if (a.length < size()) { return (T[]) java.util.Arrays.copyOf(elements, size(), a.getClass()); } System.arraycopy(elements, 0, a, 0, size()); if (a.length > size()) { a[size()] = null; } return a; } } ****************************************************************************************** ********************
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