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#2111 Flex SDK 4.6
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Hello, i want to compile a swf file with Flex SDK 4.6, i have aleardy setting up Flex SDK and enabling it in advanced settings but it still not compile, did i need to specify something or it's a bug ? Here is the flash file:
Please try nightly 2676, it might be better.
State: new→opened
Nvm, i find it, i will test and get it back soon to you !
Still don't work, here are some screenshot :
Thanks you by the way !
Even with only "c:\Users\rayan\Desktop\flex" it's not working, here is flex folder :
Ad "Where I can download it" You can use 2676 or any newer. Older nightly builds are not available to download so always download the latest. Ad "even's not working" What do you mean not working, does it show any error message? You must select main Flex SDK folder, so "c:\Users\rayan\Desktop\flex" is correct I think. Also, where did you download the Flex SDK 4.6, is it really Flex SDK 4.6 or is it Apache Flex?
okay, so one my question remains: What do you mean not working, does it show any error message? Or it does not save? Or it says that Flex not found? Please describe it to me, thanks.
sorry i have not answer to this question, so you lose time, So after i put flex SDK, i wanted to edit a as3 code (i add a space then remove it) to see if compile right, it compile but when i put it in the game, it make the game crash without error. i think the compilation is wrong.
the module that i send on the top, when i add nothing and just compile, it had "1KB" (which normally add nothing)
Which class did you edit?
But another example, if i change a value, it will crash in game and give 1 KB more, if i change the value in P-CODE, it will not crash and add like less than 1KB
It's weird because when I try to edit and save with Flex, it gives me error message (see attachment). It does not even save. Unlike what you say. Are you sure you have Flex compiler enabled in Advanced settings? Setting its path is not enough. There is option "Use Flex SDK AS3 compiler" on Advanced Settings / Scripts tab.
Downloadflex_error.png (138 KiB)
ok my bad, i have not enabled "Use Flex SDK AS3 compiler", i have a error but nothing inside it :
DownloadCapture.PNG (62 KiB)
Does your Flex SDK even work? Please place attached files to c:\Users\rayan\Desktop\flex\bin directory, run hello.bat and tell me the output.
Downloadhello.bat (106 B) (498 B)
Here is the output :
Downloadhello.swf (1 KiB)
ok, i have find the issue (i don't know why), but when i run in admin it work, but i get same error as you
the error is because he call a other swf, here is the swf :
DownloadGame.swf (679 KiB)
Hello, any news ?
Where can I get all the "game" files so I can actually run the SWF file? When I run Game.swf in debug flash projector, it tells me some message about failure of loading configuration. How do you run the SWF file?
In the nightly 2698 I fixed important bug regarding direct editation in this SWF file (that one without Flex SDK), please try it! Disable the Flex editation in the settings and give it a try!
In the nightly 2699 I modified the Flex compilation that it uses defined dependencies. You can define a dependency in the FFDec GUI via "link icon" - see attachment. When you click link button, a list of currently opened SWFs is displayed - you need to check all SWFs which current SWF depends on. It seems that Game.swf is not only one which is needed for ExchangeModule.swf. Class is still missing, probably another SWF is needed. So please test both options for me - with Flex compiler and without it, and tell me results - whether it works in the game for you. Thanks in advance.
State: opened→upgraded
Hello, first of all happy late year ! (sorry i had some problem on my life so i can't answer to the post). To answer to your question, without it put a error without text, and with it compile but it don't work on the game, here is a zip about all swf in the game. if you need anything else tell me. Thanks you so much in advance
Downloadop2.rar (2,775 KiB)